Tuesday, February 28, 2023


By Bob Walsh


For many years Disney World was essentially a self-governing operation under Florida law.  DeSantis and many like-minded people got pissed when the Disney organization started jumping into woke politics rather than just running their park.  

DeSantis called a special session of the legislature earlier this year just to deal with the issue.  They did.  

The district was previously called the Reedy Creek Improvement District.  It is now the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.  Previously the board of directors was appointed by corporate entities connected to the Disney operation.  That is not only no longer true but no longer even possible.  

The district still exists and has the ability to provide zoning, fire protection, physical infrastructure and to issue bonds so  these things do not fall onto the state.  That was one of the fears when this "takeover" was first set into motion.  The five member board is now appointed directly by the governor.  It is expected that the board will remove the district from woke politics and stick to running the park(s) under its control.   

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