Saturday, February 25, 2023


10 hazardous food additives that are banned in Europe but completely legal in the US — including suspected carcinogens and chemicals linked to low sperm counts 
Daily Mail
February 25, 2023 

The risky food additives banned in Europe but legal in the US

Millions of Americans unwittingly consume additives in our food that carry significant health risks, from various types of cancers to reduced fertility. 

Several of these additives are banned in Europe, such as potassium bromate and titanium dioxide. 

American companies are able to infuse their products with thousands of additives with relative impunity thanks to a Food and Drug Administration rule that allows them to determine for themselves that an ingredient used is generally safe.

1 comment:

Trey said...

The problem with this article and similar scare tactic, attention garnering stories is they never tell you the amount of unsafe products that are used in the testing of animals. They also seldom weigh the good against the bad.