Wednesday, July 17, 2024


By Bob Walsh

2024 Election

Assuming I counted correctly Wednesday is 111 days until THE election.  Right now nobody I know (And I do know two hardcore Trump haters and therefore pro-Biden people.  They are seriously deranged.) thinks that Joe Biden has a snowballs chance in hell.  Right now I am not sure anybody would take the job of running against Trump right now unless they were complete idiots.  Who wants to sign up to be captain of the Titanic AFTER it hits the iceberg?

The question then becomes how much, if any, will the down-ticket outcomes be effected.  Yes, I know.  The Red Wave of 2022 turned out to be a bust.  I don't think this time around that will happen.  I think it is a near certainty that the Republicans will grad a few senate seats and will improve the minor advantage they already have in the House.  

So, what are they gonna do?  It is a lot easier to piss and moan than it is to govern.  

One think I personally would like to see is a constitutional amendment to end birth right citizenship.  Will it happen?  Don't count on it, but don't bet against it either.

With luck they will get some border upgrades into law so that they don't disappear the next time a Socialist is president.  Of course they can simply ignore the law.  It isn't like Biden isn't doing that now.  

One thing I think we can count on is that Trump will put some people onto the federal courts who actually believe the constitution means what it says it means.  It is statistically likely the next president will get one or two supreme court appointments.  If we can get one or two more people on the court who actually don't have their head up their ass it will bring goodness and joy to the Republic for years to come.  (Is that over the top?)

I know.  A lot can happen in 111 days. I don't think we are heading for a Regan-Dukakis landslide.  Trump will not take California.  He might, however, take New Jersey now, and may even maybe-maybe take New York.  

Damn.  Politics can be fun to watch.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I hope you're right, but there is an old saying - Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

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