This past Wednesday was the 20th of Sivan,
which was once a fast day that commemorated the first violent blood
libel. (The Vaad Arba Aratzot later redesignated it to commemorate the
Cossack massacres of 1648-1649.)
In 1144, 12-year-old William of Norwich
was found murdered. In 1149, a Knight named Simon, on trial for
murdering Eleazar, a wealthy Jew to whom he owed money, claimed in his
defense that Eleazar and the Jewish community had murdered William as an
act of ritual murder.
The defense won the case.
A local monk, Thomas of Monmouth, then
published a book about the supposed “murder” of William of Norwich. He
claimed that Jews engage in the ritual murder of Christian children in
order to return to Israel. He wrote:
“As a proof of the truth and credibility
of the matter we now adduce something which we have heard from the lips
of Theobald, who was once a Jew and afterwards a monk. He verily told us
that in the ancient writings of his fathers, it was written that the
Jews, without the shedding of human blood, could neither obtain their
freedom nor could they ever return to their fatherland. Hence it was
laid down by them in ancient times that every year they must sacrifice a
Christian in some part of the world to the Most High God in scorn and
contempt of Christ that so they might avenge their sufferings on Him;
inasmuch as it was because of Christ’s death that they had been shut out
from their own country and were in exile as slaves in a foreign land.”
Thomas of Monmouth’s blood libel
circulated through Europe for nearly two decades. Then, in 1171, it
became deadly. In Blois, France, a Jew and a Christian brought their
horses to drink from the river. The Jew dropped an untanned hide and the
horse of the Christian jumped. The Christian then claimed that the Jew
had dropped a murdered baby into the river.
Count Thibault, the local ruler (and
brother-in-law of the French King Louis VII) claimed that the Jewish
community had committed a ritual murder. The judicial proceedings, which
were based on a bizarre trial by ordeal, found the Jews guilty, even
without a body or an alleged victim.
And 32 Jews were burned at the stake.
Rabbeinu Yaakov Tam, the great rabbinic
leader and grandson of Rashi, then declared the 20th of Sivan a fast
day. (He was 71 at the time and died a few weeks later.)
Declaring a new fast for the murdered in
Blois was a major statement. No fast had been declared for the First and
Second Crusades, which resulted in thousands of deaths. Rabbeinu Tam
himself nearly died in the Second Crusade, but he realized that what
happened in Blois was even worse. He recognized that the blood libel was
a lethal form of propaganda and would cause centuries of trouble. And
he was right.
E.M. Rose wrote an exceptional book on this topic, The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe. She explained that the blood libel was unique in several ways.
First, it was a theory that originated and
was embraced among the educated elite, not just the unwashed masses.
She wrote: “This supposed ‘irrational,’ ‘bizarre,’ ‘literary trope’ was
the product of lucid, cogent arguments, thoughtfully and carefully
debated in executive councils, judged in detail by sober men who were
not reacting under pressure to thoughtless mob violence.”
The original blood libel started with the intelligentsia and became well-accepted.
A second element she points out is that
the blood libel put every Jew on trial: “Jewish identity was on trial,
rather than any single individual perpetrator.”
Every Jew was guilty until proven innocent.
The 20th of Sivan is sadly once again an
important date in 2024. Once again, Israel is guilty until proven
innocent. Even a hostage rescue is immediately treated as a wanton
massacre of innocent civilians until Israel provides video evidence to
the contrary.
The hostage rescue wass immediately treated as a wanton
massacre of innocent civilians
Once again, leading the charge against
Israel are some well-educated people—professors and students at elite
universities who, in their hatred of Israel, are eager to support a
group of fanatical, depraved murderers. And like Thomas of Monmouth, the
testimony of individual Jews, no matter how tainted, is taken to
support horrific falsehoods.
The libel of Jewish ritual murder was
accepted by some of the most educated people. And that opened the door
to widespread violence.
Medieval antisemites believed awful things about Jews, and that gave them license to do awful things to Jews.
But one more point: The 20th of Sivan also
marks exceptional heroism. The 32 Jews who were murdered in Blois died
with their heads held high.
Ephraim of Bonn, the great medieval
chronicler of antisemitic persecution, wrote, “It was also reported in
that letter that as the flames mounted high, the martyrs began to sing
in unison a melody that began softly but ended with a full voice. The
Christian people came and asked us ‘What kind of a song is this for we
have never heard such a sweet melody?’ We knew it well, for it was the
song: ‘It is incumbent upon us to praise the Lord of all.’”(“Aleinu” on
the High Holidays is sung with a special melody.)
These martyrs died singing “Aleinu.”
This is what defiance looks like.
We are the descendants of those Jews. And we too will hold our heads high and defy Hamas and its slandering sycophants.
Originally published by Jewish Journal.
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