Wednesday, July 03, 2024


By Bob Walsh

The San Francisco Botanical Garden,

A five-year old girl who was in the S.F. Botanical Garden was attacked and bitten by a coyote last week.  It is the first time as far as they can tell that a coyote has bit a human when there wasn't a dog involved, i.e. owner trying to protect it's pet from the coyote.  

The girl was attending a summer camp at the Botanical Garden when she was bitten.  The poor kid had to get rabies shots, which I understand are not nearly as nasty as they used to be but still not a lot of fun.  

The garden was closed down and Wildlife officials hunted down and shot three (or possibly four depending on who you ask) coyotes in the area.  DNA testing proved that one of the coyotes was indeed the one that attacked the child.  The coyote came up behind the girl and bit her and bit her again when she ran, tripped and fell.  

The girl was not seriously injured by the bites themselves.

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