Sunday, July 14, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Trump lifts his fist after an apparent assassination attempt.

Donald Trump and his surrogates often refer to Joe Biden as senile, decrepit and incompetent.  Not very nice, but not inaccurate and, IMHO, perfectly reasonable political rhetoric.  He and his surrogates regularly call the 45% or so of the country that are Trump supporters dangerous racists, homophobes, misogynists and generally deplorable.

Joe Biden has personally called Donald Trump an existential threat to democracy in America and has personally asserted that Donald Trump wants to put black people back into slavery.  His surrogates have said that Trump wants to initiate concentration camps and imprison his political opponents.  He and his Surrogates regularly call the 45% or so of the country that supports Trump dangerous racists, homophobes, misogynists and charcterizes them as generally deplorable.  The Democrat-Socialists in congress have attempted to remove Trump's secret service protection on the basis that he is now a convicted felon, even though the law that mandates the protection has no such distinction.

Then after the shooting today Senile Joe refers to his predecessor as DONALD and says how upset he is by political violence.  As did Nancy Pelosi and Kamal Harris.  They are hypocrites and a lying sacks of shit.  Had the asshole been successful they would have screamed about ASSAULT RIFLES and how Trump might not have been shot at if he hadn't been such a racist asshole.

Fuck them.  I understand pretty much all politicians are professional liars.  I expect it.  But the rampant hypocrisy really chaps my ass.  

EDITOR'S NOTE: Careful there! Many of those you refer to as Biden's surrogates are in fact discredited wacko conspiracy theorists.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

If Biden doesn't denounce them they are surrogates, unofficial though they may be.