Sunday, July 07, 2024


Jill Biden and elder abuse

How does a wife of 47 years allow her husband to get into this humiliating position? 


By Karen Lehrman Bloch



Jul 7, 2024


Joe Biden Biden GIF


According to a new CBS poll, nearly three-quarters of Americans believe that President Joe Biden is no longer fit to serve. Of course, it was clear to many of us four years ago that Biden was unfit. Perhaps I could better read the signs because I was watching my father’s decline into dementia. But the signs were there, just as they were magnified at the embarrassing June 27 presidential debate. 

I’m not a doctor. I don’t know if Biden has dementia, Alzheimer’s or something else. But this only begs the question: Who are the doctors who have lied to the world about Biden’s mental acuity? Who are the handlers and for what reason are they willing to put the U.S. at such great risk? And how does Jill Biden not just allow but push for one of the greatest humiliations of any U.S. president?

Jill Biden is obviously quite aware of Joe Biden’s deteriorated condition. After the debate, she rushed to his side and helped him walk offstage. Later that night, she praised his efforts, with words typically used with a toddler: “Joe, you did such a great job! You answered every question, you knew all the facts!” 

Jill has played a key part in deceiving the country about her husband’s fitness for office, shielding him from heavy media scrutiny and lashing out at aides who she believes fail to prevent some of his blunders. 

In a rare moment of honesty, The New York Times editorial board described Biden as “the shadow of a great public servant.” It noted, “More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.” It called his decision to run again a “reckless gamble.” 

“The greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for reelection,” the Times concluded.

How does a wife of 47 years allow her husband to get into this humiliating position?

The answer isn’t hard to find: Jill Biden pushed her husband to run in 2020 when he was 77. In joint appearances, she often spoke after he did, acting in the “closer” role. As Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe said, “Encouraging your husband to embarrass himself like this is not love.” No, it is not. It’s called opportunism.  

This opportunism is a direct consequence of the mythology of second-wave feminism: Women are not just equal to men, we are exactly the same as men. We now see the result of a denial of femininity, of biology, of bell curves. It’s also becoming the most common explanation for the narcissism of millennials: Their mothers ran back to work and then spoiled them relentlessly to compensate.

Is it because so many leftist women loathe their own feminine biology that they can easily accept the ridiculous “gender assigned at birth” fiction that is destroying another generation of kids? Perhaps. 

What is beginning to come out is the role former President Barack Obama played in all of this. If he is indeed the one pulling Biden’s strings—which would certainly explain the decision to refund Iran’s diabolical regime—we have much bigger problems than wives who don’t act like wives.

Meanwhile, the right is not dealing with this very humanely either. Within hours of the debate, memes of Biden’s vacant stare became a staple on right-wing social media feeds. You can say Biden is not fit for office and you can be angry at the Democratic Party and the leftist media for hiding Biden’s infirmity. But mocking someone’s physical/mental decline is not ok. It’s immoral.

Did social media make them like this or did they always mock the elderly and handicapped?

All of this falls under decency—humanity. How odd that the Democrats, the so-called party of “compassion” and “morality,” so easily lost both. Joe Biden’s sad humiliation will forever represent the absence of decency in the 21st century.

The vast majority of blame is on one person. Ironically, someone who has instructed teens with emotional disabilities at a psychiatric hospital: Biden’s wife.


Originally published by Jewish Journal.

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