Friday, July 12, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Newsom Takes On Biden

There is a pissing contest going on between Gavin (God I Want To Be President) Newsom, God-Emperor of the formerly great state of California, and Pamela Price, the about-to-be recalled D. A. of Alameda County.  Several months ago Newsom offered to send in some prosecutors from the JAG office at the National Guard to help Alameda prosecute criminals.  Price originally was receptive, but when push came to shove it didn't work.  The real problem of course is that Price does NOT want to put criminals in prison.  She wants to let criminals OUT of prison so badly she even hired her boyfriend to head up a project within her office that exists solely to get Alameda County prisons OUT of prison.  

Gavin is so desperate to be considered to be a reasonable progressive that he is getting ready to send the State A. G. in to Alameda County to take over prosecutions that the county is not handling.  

Both the mayor of Oakland and the D. A. are going to be on a recall ballot in November.  

People may not get the government they deserve, but they sure as hell get the government they tolerate.

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