Thursday, July 18, 2024


A fighting chance for the West

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump may have changed America and the world. 


By Melanie Phillips



Jul 18, 2024


Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and Republican vice-presidential candidate Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) appear on the first day of the Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 15, 2024. Credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images.
Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and Republican vice-presidential candidate Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) appear on the first day of the Republican National Convention on July 15, 2024.

This week, there has been a palpable feeling of tectonic plates on the move. Suddenly, the cultural elites who regard themselves as masters of the universe have paused disconcerted as they disbelievingly feel the ground cracking beneath their feet.

The impact of the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, his instant reaction and the iconic picture of that reaction, cannot be exaggerated. Those few seconds have changed American politics and maybe the world.

It was obviously beyond astounding that a rifle shot failed by a few centimeters to kill Trump.

Many religious folk regard this as a miracle. They believe that, after eight years of attempts to destroy Trump politically through constitutionally improper plots, legal actions and non-stop demonization—from all of which, astonishingly, he emerged even stronger—this close brush with death demonstrates he has divine protection to fulfil the role on earth for which he has been marked out.

Among those who regard all that as nonsense, many have nevertheless been deeply impressed by the presence of mind and strength of character Trump displayed by struggling to his feet, defiantly raising his fist and mouthing “Fight!” with blood streaming down his face.

We still don’t know what motivated the young shooter, who appears to have been a troubled and apolitical misfit.

However, we have all seen the reaction from the leftist and liberal classes. While no one side has a monopoly on demonizing rhetoric, the malice of the left was breathtaking. Many bemoaned the fact that the shooter didn’t succeed in killing Trump.

Even more telling was the stunning cognitive dissonance of the liberal media. CNN said Trump’s speech had been “interrupted by the Secret Service” and that he “falls at rally.” The Washington Post said Trump had been “escorted off the stage after loud noises,” while Sky News suggested he was partly to blame for his own attempted murder just by being Trump.

These media outlets simply couldn’t process the fact that Trump had become a heroic victim.

The media was doing what the left always does: Misrepresenting reality to deny any facts that will destroy its narrative about the world. In that narrative, “right-wing” populists like Trump are responsible for everything bad in the world. They therefore can never do anything good and can never be a victim. They are a force for evil and so deserve all they get.

This type of pathological hatred is also directed at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. After the Trump shooting, Netanyahu showed cabinet members examples of the tsunami of incitement against the prime minister by protesters, politicians, a veteran security service chief and others.

“Shoot him in the forehead,” said one. “We are waiting for you with a noose!” said another. Insults and curses hurled at Netanyahu included “devil,” “mass murderer,” “traitor,” “worst enemy of the Jewish people in 2,000 years” and a Hebrew term usually reserved for Hitler.

This goes far beyond reasonable criticism. It’s the same attitude that has characterized fanatic ideologies from medieval Christianity through Stalinism and fascism to today’s Islamism, liberal universalism and anti-Zionism: That all who are not believers in the one true faith must be removed from the face of the earth.

You don’t have to be a fan of Trump or Netanyahu to realize the overwhelming importance of defeating today’s liberal and left-wing ideologues, and of suppressing the ugly passions they unleash.

Those liberals and leftists are understandably aghast by the dramatic change in the way Trump is being viewed as a result of the shooting. As if President Joe Biden’s now undeniable infirmities weren’t bad enough, how can he or any candidate who might replace him compete with what even the liberal Atlantic magazine described as a “spiritual” force that’s been unleashed on the Republican side?

Liberals and leftists are even more aghast at Trump’s choice of running mate: Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio). Coming from outside the conventional political box no less than Trump, Vance is being viewed with horror as Trump’s mini-me.

The vice-presidential candidate, however, will be far harder to defame. He’s smart and thoughtful; he articulates attractive principles based on care for others, community and tradition; and he has a poignant and impressive “rags to riches” personal backstory.

Vance also represents a movement of thought that’s on the rise across the West. Known as “national conservatism,” this movement repudiates the individualism that shatters social solidarity and stands instead for family, faith and flag.

This embodies values that are inspiring millions to revolt against the liberal masters of the universe who are driving the West to hell on a handcart.

Vance is also rock-solid in his support for Israel. Viewing the Jewish state as a crucial ally of priceless benefit to America, he says it should be allowed to police its own security without the U.S. trying to micromanage it as Biden is so destructively doing.

On this front too, there’s room for optimism. Although there’s still no official confirmation, circumstantial evidence increasingly suggests that Hamas mastermind Mohammed Deif was indeed killed in the enormous Israeli airstrike last Saturday at his apparent meeting place with his deputy in Khan Yunis.

If so, this is a victory whose importance can’t be exaggerated. The Israelis say that Deif was even more vital to Hamas than Yahya Sinwar, who is still at large in the Gaza tunnels.

There are increasing reports of disarray and panic among the remaining Hamas forces. Netanyahu says, “We have them by the throat.” And this is only because, when Biden threatened Israel with condign punishments if the IDF continued its operation to destroy Hamas, Netanyahu raised his fist and said: “We fight.”

It’s not just Western liberals who fear the possible return of Trump to the White House. The Iranian regime is likely frantic at the prospect of losing its Western appeasers and enablers in the Democratic Party.

Former Pentagon analyst Harold Rhode, a shrewd observer of the Islamic world, says there are Muslims who believe Trump survived the assassination attempt because God is on his side and Trump is doing God’s work.

Says Rhode: “Arabs and Iranians reason that if Trump is reelected to the presidency, this too is the will of Allah. It would indicate that Allah favors Trump’s support for Israel and the Arab states that seek to advance their relations with Israel.” That’s a powerful force for demoralizing the Iranian foe and increasing respect for Israel in the Muslim world.

There’s no shortage of things to terrify us. Israel is still in a desperate fight for its existence. A devastating war in Lebanon seems unavoidable. Iran is on the threshold of getting nuclear weapons.

The plight of the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza is unthinkable. Terrorist-supporting mobs are still rampaging through Western cities. Antisemitism roars on out of control. The International Court of Justice is about to ramp up the global diplomatic attempt to destroy the Jewish state.

Trump’s personality remains alarming. Both he and Vance display a tin ear to the threat to Eastern Europe posed by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s declared aim of reconstructing the Tsarist Russian empire. The Trump/Vance ticket should be viewed with circumspection. As the prophet said, “Put not your faith in princes.”

If you believe that Trump and the populist “new right” are the highway to hell, that Israel is being run by nationalist lunatics and that the liberal ideological zealotry that purports to be the center-ground really is the center-ground, you’ll be horrified by the events of the past few days.

However, if you believe that liberal universalism has knocked the West off its moral axis; that what’s needed is the will to fight back bloodied but unbowed; and that this is precisely what Israel has been doing and an American president may shortly do, you’ll be cautiously raising your head that’s been buried in your hands these past nine months and allowing yourself a peep through your fingers.

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