Saturday, July 13, 2024


By Bob Walsh


У літаку вибухнув ноутбук: постраждали стюардеси та туристи


Ground incident are a real hazard with aircraft.  In fact the worst mass-casualty air disaster in history occurred on the ground when two loaded 747s collided on the ground in Tenerife.  This incident, which fortunately had no casualties, occurred while the aircraft was powered down and the jet bridge was still hooked up.

The aircraft was boarding and was almost loaded when suddenly the passenger area started filling with smoke.  No visible fire, but smoke and an electrical smell.  They called a MAYDAY, popped the emergency chutes and got everybody off, some thru the jet bridge and some down the chutes.

Turned out somebody's laptop lit itself up.  First responders found it and tossed it out onto the tarmac.  The aircraft appeared to be undamaged (other than the popped emergency evacuation chutes). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why Lithium batteries are not allowed to be placed in the luggage area of a plane. I carry my electronics in a carry on bag. It happens more often than you think. Lithium batteries are dangerous. (USA)