Monday, December 14, 2020


Joe Biden 'Will Be Removed One Way or Another,' Alex Jones Tells Pro-Trump March


By  James Crowley



December 12, 2020


Conspiracy theorist and internet personality Alex Jones told a crowd of pro-Trump protesters in Washington, D.C. on Saturday that President-elect Joe Biden "will be removed one way or another," while addressing the protesters from a stage.

In a clip shared on Twitter, the Infowars owner spoke to protesters at the second Million MAGA March, where supporters of President Donald Trump fought against the results of the election, which show that he lost to Biden.

Jones, who has shared a number of disproven conspiracy theories in his online show and podcast, seemingly referenced the far-right QAnon conspiracy, which alleges that Trump is secretly fighting against a cult of Democratic Satanic pedophiles. QAnon has been widely dismissed and disproven. Jones also seemingly suggested that Biden is actually an undead entity.

"We will never back down to the Satanic pedophile, globalist New World Order and their walking-dead reanimated corpse Joe Biden, and we will never recognize him," he said.

Jones continued, alleging that Trump had no connections to Russia, but implied that Biden did. "President Trump had zero connection to Russians. No proof. Four years of investigation. With the Bidens, it's open and shut," he shouted. This is seemingly a reference to conspiracy theories and allegations that Biden's son Hunter was involved in international corruption. Hunter Biden is currently being investigated for his business dealings by the Justice Department, as the Biden transition team revealed on Wednesday.

Jones also accused Biden of being a "globalist" before saying he'll be removed. While not explicitly violent, Jones' speech is certainly suggestive of violent action being taken against the president-elect. As previously reported, there have been numerous videos that have surfaced of violent altercations between people identified as Proud Boys and counter-protesters.

Lincoln Project Florida Steering Committee member David Weissman noted that Jones' remarks could be considered anti-Semitic and suggested that he should be arrested for inciting violence. Some people responded to Weissman by suggesting that people tip off the FBI about Jones and his comments.

Others shared similar thoughts on Twitter, some tagging the FBI's and Secret Service's accounts, asking for Jones to be investigated for inciting violence and to be charged with treason.

Other videos have surfaced of Jones sharing conspiracies about "world government" and the election being "stolen" from Trump. "World government is here, and the system is publicly stealing this election from the biggest landslide and the biggest political realignment since 1776," he said.

Videos earlier in the day showed Jones participating in the march, with groups of supporters surrounding him. Some protesters around Jones chanted "1776."

Newsweek reached out to Infowars for comment.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Alex Jones isn't insane. He pushes the envelope just enough to incite fear and maybe provoke violence. Some people eat it up with a spoon. Meanwhile he is laughing all the way to the bank.