Sunday, January 03, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has announced that he does not believe there should be another Scottish Separation Referendum until 2055.  The Scots as a group voted to say IN the E. U. The last such vote was interesting.  Right up until election day the polls all said it was too close to call.  The actual vote was almost 11% difference, to stay in the U. K.  Some of the movers and shakers believe that Brexit just might be enough to move the Scots to break away.  Of course it might turn out that Brexit works out just fine.  That will tend to blunt the desire to beat feet.  But then again it might not.  

I expect that the Brits will be able to keep a lid on things until the final, final details are all pounded out on the split, which will still be another four years down the road.  After that, if enough Scotsmen still scream they want out it may be difficult to prevent another vote.  

As long as haggis and Laphroig keep coming here I will be good with it.

1 comment:

Trey said...

I can't think of anything worse to eat than Haggis except Menudo.