Thursday, January 21, 2021


by Bob Walsh

One of the things that President Trump worked hard to do was stem the tide of ILLEGAL alien migration (invasion) of our country.  He was to a decent extent successful.  This was despite the fact that many people who you would think would support Trump also wanted cheap labor so the plug in the pipeline made them unhappy.

Joe Biden WANTS as many illegal aliens (undocumented Democrats) here as possible to create a permanent underclass that is likely to support the long-term welfare state and vote Democrat, either illegally or willing to wait until he can fast-track citizenship for all the 13 million illegals here currently and millions more to follow.

He is also working as hard as he can to destroy our current energy independence.  Presumably this is intended to raise the price of fossil fuels land FORCE Americans into short-range electric micro-cars.  There are enough idiots in the country they may actually buy into this bullshit.

He is also directing all federal agencies to prepare a 'racial equity" plan, presumably to twist government programs to "equal outcome" rather than "equal opportunity."  It will be especially interesting to see how this effects the Bureau of Prisons and Immigration.  I strongly suspect La Migra detains and arrests many more non-Anglo persons.  Will that mean they will have to arrest and detain fewer Hispanics or start grabbing more non-Hispanic White people?

Only time will tell just how stupid the stupidity will get.

And I am still waiting to here if he will shitcan all student debt.  Not that I have any, but it would sure suck up to his base and the Bernie Bros.

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