Trump's lust for power constitutes a serious threat to Democracy
By Howie Katz
Trump has shown himself to be a dangerous megalomaniac who is placing American democracy in jeopardy.
Trump has completely gone off the rails by encouraging his followers to storm the nation's capitol.
For the sake of the country and our democracy, he needs to be locked up in a loony bin forthwith!
I really don't think it is a lust for power Howie. He is a fighter. When he thinks he has been wronged he fights, sometimes to the point where it is pointless.
Both party's lust for power have ruined this country. There is plenty of blame to go around.
What? Where are the trumpers that are usually on here defending that wannabe dictator? Silent now I see. Law and order president? Make America great again? Come on..speak up about what he did! I seriously doubt that you will because just like Trump you are all full of sh#%. If Obama had done the same thing you idiots couldn't post on here fast enough to condemn him and call him a traitor to the preidency. Hypocrites all....but that's what I always thought of trumpers to begin with and that Orange jackass proved me right by what he did yesterday.
Trey is full of shit. Won't condemn trump for what happens so he sugar coats it to spread the blame. It was Trump who held the rally and Trump who icitedd the was his followers that stormed the capitol and 5 people are now dead. . You are a total jackass just like Trump.
Bob, accept it. Trump is crazy as I pointed out several times before. A normal person does not spend half his time on tweets that lash out at anyone, friend or foe, and anything that displeases him. He may be a fighter, but he's a crazy fighter who belongs in the nut house, not the White House!
Sorry Howie, but "not normal" and "crazy" are not the same thing.
Anonymous, I use Metamucil daily. I'm not full of shit. However there is enough blame to go around for this shit show. No President was ever ridiculed and persecuted as much as President Trump. It was a sad day for the USA. President Trump was wrong because I watched his entire speech at the MAGA rally and I believe he incited the crowd that stormed the Capital. If you had read some my other comments yesterday you would have known this. In the mean time, I hope for the end of violence for all but I sincerely hope you fall into a Cactus filled ravine alive with Wasps. You talk real bad for someone who will not identify themselves and Howie is wrong for printing anonymous comments from chickenshits. Have a nice day, Peckerhead.
This country can topple sovereign nations with standing militaries half a world away, but we can't keep a bunch or stupid rednecks from vandalizing our own capital. All of those protesters should be locked up.
Howie, Wow! As you have pointed out several times before? Are you through patting yourself on the back?
"Not normal" and "crazy" are not the same thing? Sorry Bob, but you need to retake Psy6ch 101, The opposite of normal is abnormal, and in this case Trump's abnormality is that he is now bat shit crazy.
Have to wonder why Bob and Trey remain on a site run by this crazy old fool.
Grow up Trey. If you want a name it's Robert.. .does that sooth your hurt feelings any? So sorry you are butt hurt over anonymous postings on this board...gotta hate free speech huh? It doesn't change your unpatriotic ramblings though. Trump is an out and out criminal. If anyone else in this country did the things that he has lately then they would be in prison. You talk about "blame to go around", but it was Trump's rally and Trump's words that caused the riot. Everyone should be held accountable for their own actions, first and foremost the President of the United States. So what if Trump was ridiculed? Every president is ridiculed. Everyone is ridiculed, so does that give them free reign to lash out and cause mayhem and destruction? How does that have anything to do with or justify what he did? Seriously?? What you are saying is a childs argument. A child throws a tempor tantrum and smashes his toys. A President gets ridiculed and attempts to overthrow the democracy?! Get real dude.
Robert, I think you have a good question. Why would anyone remain on a site run by this crazy old fool? I have known Howie for 50 years and he is a dear friend. Howie is stubborn and loves to argue. He is my friend. He would rather have the last word than eat. He is my friend. I can count my real friends on one hand. That is real, Dude. I hope that answers your question.
This is Robert..and I wasn't the one who made the comment about Howie being a crazy old fool. I don't always agree with what he says, but I do agree with his stance about trump.
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