Tuesday, January 26, 2021


by Bob Walsh

State Senator Scott Weiner (D-SF) has introduced a bill that, if passed, would ban black bear hunting in the formerly great state of California.

Last year 900 bear were legally killed in CA.  Their population in the wild is going up.  There are increasing incidents of potentially bad encounters with "problem bears" in urban areas of California, especially high traffic tourist areas, like Lake Tahoe.  Black bears are without question NOT endangered in the state.  The population is now conservatively estimated at a minimum of 30,000.  Forty years ago it was 10,000   It seems that the bear hunting season has in fact had zero effect on the bear's population growth.  There is currently a 1,700 tag limit in CA.  Since hunting bears with dogs has been illegal in CA for several years that number does not come close to being filled.  Last year 919 bears were killed legally with tags and a small amount of others killed in self defense during bear encounters.  They are also regularly killed by cars and even trains.

About 25% of the state's wildlife agency budget is funded by hunting and fishing license sales.  Bear tags alone brought in $1.39 million last year.

The hunting of bobcats and mountain lions is completely illegal in CA, though some are still killed illegally each year and others shot by campers or deer hunters, allegedly in self defense.  

Weiner asserts (incorrectly) that bear hunting is a blood sport indulged in by trophy hunters and presumably therefore is inherently evil.  In fact bear meat even bear fat are favored for food by many hunters, but I suppose Senator Weiner things hamburger is grown in the back room at Safeway.

Even if I were opposed to sport hunting (which I am not) I would realize that it is not only desirable but necessary to limit the bears population or expand their habitat.  Option #2 ain't gonna happen.     

1 comment:

Trey said...

Black Bear populations are seeing signs of growth in Arkansas, Louisiana and East and West Texas. (Big Bend area) Bears are protected in Texas and hunting them is illegal.