Saturday, January 02, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Things are not wonderful in Inglewood, N. J.  Nor are they wonderful within the Inglewood P D or the Police Benevolent Association, the union which represents  the cops there.

The union has suspended eight officers from membership.  Seven of those officers are Black.  The Chief and Deputy Chief are Black.  There was a vote of no confidence taken by the PBA directed against the Chief and Deputy Chief by the PBA in the wake of the BLM bullshit earlier this year.  The suspended officers were largely supportive of the current administration.  Several other Black officers quit the PBA in solidarity with those who were suspended.

The union says the suspensions have nothing to do with race and everything to do with the officers allegedly divulging confidential union information when they sent a letter out supporting the Chief and Deputy Chief, directed to the mayor and City Council.

Inglewood has a pupulation of about 28,000, about 1/4 of who are Black.


Trey said...

Bullshit. IMHO, It's about race. Race has and is dividing this nation.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Sure, it's about race. We have been, we are, and we will continue to be divided racially, and the White Obama will not be able to bring the country together.

Anonymous said...

Yeah..the Orange idiot sure helped bring the races together right?

bob walsh said...

The White Obama does not WANT to bring the country together. Half of his political power would go down the shitter if that actually happened.