Sunday, January 03, 2021


by Bob Walsh

My favorite out-door range, where I shoot my regular monthly pistol competition when it isn't too hot, or too cold, or too wet, just closed down again due to the Covid situation.  That is truly unfortunate and irritating.  Understandable, but unfortunate and irritating.

Of course, as Howie can assure you, it is almost certainly better than coming down with the plague.

I have not shot there is several months what with the earlier shutdown and me being old and creaky.  I am turning into a 50-85 degree day shooter in my old age, and I have to get up at 0430 in order to get up and around, get my stuff together, and get to the range early enough to help set up.  That is very early in the a.m. for an old fart like me. 

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