Tuesday, July 20, 2021


by Bob Walsh
The CA recall election will take place on September 14.  There is still some fuzziness about the field.  Well known Black conservative Larry Elder does NOT appear on the sort-of final list.  He is preparing to sue Shirley Weber, the Sec. State, over it.  He asserts pretty convincingly that he did meet the requirements to get on the ballot in a timely manner.

There are at this moment 41 names on the list, 21 of which are Republicans, 8 democrat-Socialists and a smattering of others.  

There is still some fighting with the SecState over fine details of the wording of the candidate descriptions.  

The names will be listed in different orders in different areas so that no one person will have a top-of-ticket advantage in the whole state.

To the best of my knowledge they are still planning a blanket ballot mailout for this election.  Everyone who ever drew breath in CA and who might possibly be eligible to vote will be sent a ballot.  The voting will, as far as I know, be mail-in only.

Let the fraud begin.

My opinion, for what that may be worth to you, is that if we have a resurgence of mask mandates in CA (and it looks like we will) it will make it much rougher for Newsom to hold on to his gig.  A month ago I was saying that there was better than a 50/50 chance Newsom would hold on to his seat.  The left is turning Covid and Fauci into a religion.  Mentally normal people don't like it.


bob walsh said...

The beef with Larry Elder is apparently he did an improper job of redacting the five years of tax records he is required by law to submit in order to run.

Dave Freeman said...

Larry Elder is by far the best candidate to replace Newsom. THAT is the primary beef.