Joe Biden's rambling reply on child vax in CNN goes viral: 'Can’t even complete a sentence'
July 22, 2021

Biden (left) and Don Lemon as the President rambles incoherently
A clip of President Joe Biden
speaking at a CNN townhall event went viral after he happened to fumble
over the question of children getting vaccinated in the United States.
“Let me ask, let me follow up on her question and ask you when will
children under 12 be able to get vaccinated?” host Don Lemon asked, to
which Biden
began saying, “Soon, I believe. Now look, one of the things that I
committed to do when I got elected, I said,” Biden was cut off by Lemon,
who pressed on to urge Biden to come up with a definitive answer. “How
soon is soon, Mr. President?” Lemon asked again.
What followed was a rambling and incoherent reply by Biden.
“Well, let me finish the question. The answer, soon in the sense that I
do not tell any scientists what they should do, I do not interfere,”
Biden responded. “And so, they are doing, they’re doing the examinations
now, the testing now and making the decision now. When they are ready,
when they’ve done all the scientific need be done to determine children
at ages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, they, in fact, are, all have different
makeups, they’re developing, they’re trying to figure out whether or not
there’s a vaccination that would affect one child with, that’s at such
and such an age and not another child.”
He added: “That’s underway, just like the other question is
illogical, and I’ve heard you speak about it, because you always, I’m
not being solicitous, but you’re always straight up about what you’re
doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position
where you why can’t the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact,
it’s going to be, or excuse me, we know why all the drugs approved are
not temporarily approved, but permanently approved, that’s underway,
too, I expect that to occur quickly.”
'This guy wouldn’t be capable of a tweet'
The clip garnered a number of raised eyebrows on Twitter, as people
started to troll Biden for his response. “I don’t know about you but I’m
thrilled this is the guy in charge of the free world. We should all
sleep sound at night. Hey, at least there’s no mean tweets… mostly
because this guy wouldn’t be capable of a tweet or even a complete
thought," Donald Trump Jr. said. Political strategist Caleb Hull
tweeted: “This guy is our president and can’t even complete a sentence.”
Other political pundits also chimed in. Glenn Greenwald wrote, "Is
there really anyone willing to step forward with a straight face and say
there’s nothing wrong here?” Dave Rubin addeed: “That one was really
sustained and uncomfortable to watch.” Sohrab Ahmari commented, "What,
uh, what did I just listen to?” Rebeccah Heinrichs quipped, "I can’t
watch.” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) asked, "Is this for real? And the
media will continue to fawn and look the other way.”
Joe Biden mocked over half-empty CNN town hall: 'A student body council pulls more people'
July 22, 2021
There were plenty of empty seats as Biden appeared at a half-empty CNN town hall on Wednesday night
President Joe Biden was heavily mocked on social media after he spoke to a half-empty auditorium Wednesday during a live CNN
town hall event
in Ohio. Thanks to the flattering shots taken by news outlets covering
the event, television viewers were not shown the many empty rows in an
effort to show a full,
non-distanced crowd
packing the front. The broadcast came as a prominent display of
normalcy after more than a year of lockdowns and quarantine during the
COVID-19 pandemic. However, several members of the traveling
White House press corps
took to social media to share photos from the back of the room,
shockingly revealing that the venue was far from packed at Mount St
Joseph University in Cincinnati, where the town hall took place.

The New York Post published a picture of the half-empty auditorium, but almost all of the mainstream media posted only pictures of the audience in the front part of the auditorium to make it look like Biden was appearing in a packed town hall
One of the first to share photos online was Bloomberg News reporter
Jennifer Epstein, who traveled with the president as a representative of
wire services. She tweeted an image of “[w]hat the Biden CNN town hall
looks like from the back of the auditorium.
Meanwhile, Voice of America reporter Steve Herman, who was the radio
pool reporter for the trip, shared a similar image noting how the
“[b]ack of the auditorium is empty.” Herman also shared footage showing
other angles where spectators were largely missing from seats.
As reported by the New York Post, the sight of rows of empty seats
did not align with "Biden’s attempt to project confidence in overcoming
the coronavirus pandemic," despite his assertion, "this is not a
When asked whether the room was half full due to coronavirus concerns
or a lack of public interest, a White House official directed the
question to CNN. “This was a typical audience size for a CNN town hall,"
CNN spokeswoman Lauren Pratapas told The Post, although she did not
elaborate on the reason for the humbling crowd size.
It's worth noting that former President Donald Trump has consistently
mocked Biden for drawing small audiences, even before the pandemic broke
out. The 45th POTUS is known for drawing tens of thousands of fired-up
fans to his own rallies. “Biden comes to Florida, you have like 12, 13
people. You know, they do the circles. And he has a hard time filling up
the circles. Here we probably have 30,000 people or so,” Trump told his
supporters in Jacksonville, Florida during a September rally.
Similarly, Biden critics flooded social media with memes and jokes
poking fun at the CNN town hall attendance, with some mocking the
results of the 2020 election. "CNN invited their entire audience to
attend tonight's #BidenTownHall -- and they still couldn't fill the
auditorium," columnist Todd Starnes wrote. "Well, dead people can vote,
but it's difficult to get them to attend a town hall," one Twitter user
quipped. "Yes, the President who got more votes than any other candidate
in history makes perfect sense," another added.
"Reminds me of attendance at his campaign speeches, except they’re
not sitting in circles," a third chimed in. "Because nobody wants to
listen to President Tapioca Brain stumble and stutter through answers he
doesn’t have note cards for? Shocking. Actually, he probably does have
note cards or a teleprompter set up by his handlers," a fourth wrote.
"A Student body council at some random high school pulls more people," another commented.
I have it on good authority from Mr Howie Katz that Joe Biden is not senile. Nuff said.
Joe Biden is not Donald Trump. A lot of people think that makes him suitable president material. By that standard my Golden Retriever is suitable president material.
As I was eating breakfast, our Blue Heeler asked for a pancake this morning. I understood our dog. Joe Biden has demonstrated a persistent disorder of the mental process.
The Emperor has no clothes!
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