Will the attack on Barbara Boxer be a wake-up call to the crime-ignoring left?

They say that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged, though it’s doubtful that former California senator and lifelong Democrat Barbara Boxer is going to change her party registration anytime soon.
Boxer, as has been widely reported, was walking through Oakland’s tony, touristy Jack London District near her home Monday afternoon when she was roughly shoved and had her brand-new cellphone grabbed from her hand by a “teenage boy” who jumped into a waiting car and sped off.
“Why would you do this to a grandmother?” Boxer cried.
The octogenarian former politician was, fortunately, not hurt. She was luckier than many of the other elderly Bay Area denizens who have been beaten, pushed, stabbed and killed in recent months as part of a rise in violent crime that is taking place in cities across the nation.
The crime spree began immediately after the George Floyd riots in May 2020, when Democratic politicians seized on the insipid idea — long promoted by the radical hard left — that police violence is the major problem facing American cities today. Boxer’s friends and colleagues in California politics were at the forefront of encouraging disgruntled people to riot and loot.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed the destruction of public property by screaming mobs. “People will do what they do,” she shrugged.
Kamala Harris, Boxer’s successor in the Senate, gleefully told Stephen Colbert that violent protests were “not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop.”
Democrats unleashed chaos while demonizing the police who could contain it. This has led directly to a massive, historically unprecedented acceleration of violence in American cities. In Oakland, murders were up 47 percent in 2020 over 2019; so far, 2021 looks to be much worse than 2020.
Boxer, though a private citizen now, has contributed to the mayhem in her own small way. During the summer of 2020 — when police were under double attack from Antifa terrorists and their supporters in the “Defund the Police” movement — Boxer spoke up on Twitter in favor of bedlam and against order, denouncing “police brutality” and supporting the Portland rioters trying to burn down the federal courthouse.
It has long been assumed that our cities’ leaders would do something about the crime wave when it began to lap at their own doors. Perhaps they will. But once a dam has been breached, water seeks its own level. There’s no easy way to stop a rising tide.
Why would he do this to a grandmother? Because Democrats have spent the past two years ignoring such attacks. He can get away with it.
Maybe what happened to Barbara Boxer will disquiet her former colleagues in elected office enough that they will turn away from their criminogenic policies. Let’s hope it happens soon, because America is screaming.
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