Harry's turned the Queen's motto of 'never complain, never explain' into 'always complain, always explain, never stop whining'. Now she must turn Prince Poison and Princess Pinocchio into plain Mr and Mrs Grifter
By Piers Morgan
Daily Mail
July 20, 2021

The Queen Mother had a strict maxim for royal conduct: 'Never complain, never explain, and rarely be heard speaking in public.'
It worked very well for her, ensuring that when she died aged 101, it was as a deeply beloved figure in Britain and around the world.
Her daughter Queen Elizabeth has followed a similar maxim, and it's worked very well for her too as she's become the most respected and longest-serving monarchs in history without ever giving a single interview.
But the Queen's grandson Prince Harry sadly didn't get the discretion memo.
Or if he did, he rejected it in favour of the new strategy: 'Always complain, always explain, and never stop yapping, whining, preaching and trashing your family.'
Now, just when we assumed that the man who insisted he had to leave Britain to protect his privacy had exhausted every lucrative avenue of invading his own privacy, he's written his memoirs.The news sparked yet another torrent of headlines and my own gut reaction, posted on Twitter, probably summed up most people's response when they heard about it: 'You've got to be fucking joking???'
But then I realised it's not actually that surprising.
Why would someone whose only currency now is airing dirty laundry about his family to any media entity that will pay him enough, NOT write a book flinging yet more mud at them?
To be blunt: Harry's a sell-out, and this is just another example of him selling out.
It's sad, pathetic, and totally unnecessary, and it will obviously cause yet more pain to his grandmother who is still mourning the loss of her husband Philip.
But Harry doesn't care about that.
Like his wife Meghan, he doesn't care about anyone but himself.
The statement from his publishers Random House was comical in its delusion.
'In an intimate and heartfelt memoir from one of the most fascinating and influential global figures of our time…' it began.
Sorry, WHAT?
When I think of the most fascinating and influential global figures of my time, I think of people like Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, Steve Jobs, Marie Curie, Mother Teresa, Pablo Picasso, Malala Yousafzai and the Beatles.
I don't think of a spoiled, self-obsessed hypocritical royal brat born into staggering privilege with no discernible current skill other than an ability to ruthlessly exploit his royal status for money by constantly attacking the very institution that makes him commercially viable.
'Prince Harry,' the statement continued, 'will share, for the very first time, the definitive account of the experiences, adventures, losses, and life lessons that have helped shape him. Covering his lifetime in the public eye from childhood to the present day, including his dedication to service, the military duty that twice took him to the frontlines of Afghanistan, and the joy he has found in being a husband and father, Prince Harry will offer an honest and captivating personal portrait, on that shows readers that behind everything they think they know lies an inspiring, courageous and uplifting human story.'
Where to even start with this self-aggrandising bilge?
First, obviously, it's not the first time he's wanged on about his experiences, losses and life lessons. It's literally all Harry ever does, ad nauseum, to anyone that will write him a big enough cheque. He's been on the 'Woe-Is-Me' tour for many years now.
Second, given the disingenuous unsubstantiated nonsense that he and Meghan came out with during their 90-minute Oprah whineathon, I think the one thing we can safely assume from this book is that it won't be 'honest'. It will be Harry's 'truth' which like Meghan's 'truth' tends to bear little relation to the actual truth.
Third, what exactly is so 'inspiring, courageous and uplifting' about a guy who ditches his country, duty and family for a woman who's disowned her own family? The couple love to tell us all how compassionate they are, yet they show zero compassion to the people closest to them in the world.
Harry's own statement was even more laughable.
'I'm writing this not as the prince I was born,' he declared, but as the man I have become.'
In that case, why did the statement come from 'Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex?'
And he's not even writing it – he's got a Pulitzer Prize winning ghost-writer to do it, presumably to make him sound more intelligent.
'I've worn many hats over the years,' Harry carried on, 'both literally and figuratively, and my hope is that in telling my story— the highs and lows, the mistakes, the lessons learned — I can help show that no matter where we come from, we have more in common than we think. I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to share what I've learned over the course of my life so far and excited for people to read a firsthand account of my life that's accurate and wholly truthful.'
Hmmmm, forgive me if I don't barf.
There's only one hat that hapless Harry wears these days and it's the one with 'HYPOCRITE' on it.
He wants all the hugely beneficial trappings of being a royal Prince without having to do any of the hard duty graft the rest of his family put in to earn the title.
He wants to cash in on the royal status to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, whilst simultaneously bleating on about how much he hates being a royal.
He wants to lecture us all on stuff like climate change whilst using his celebrity mates' private jets like taxis.
And when he says, 'no matter where we come from, we have more in common than we think', who is he trying to kid?
He and Meghan live a life of unimaginable (for most people) luxury in a $11 million mansion in California, from where they screw endless incredibly big deals from firms like Spotify, Netflix and now Random House solely because they're members of the same Royal Family and Monarchy that they profess to hate.
Harry's memoirs, for which he's being paid a reported $20 million – he says it's all going to charity, but let's keep a close eye on that claim - will be yet another chance for him to torch his family, and the institution they serve.
And every time he does this, and allows his wife to do it, he chips further away at the magic that sustains the royals in public life.
They've become a pair of petty, spiteful, bitter little grifters intent on causing as much damage as they can.
I wrote recently that I hoped Harry and his brother William might make peace after they came together for their mother Diana's statue unveiling in London.
But given this latest news, why should William have anything more to do with the brother who constantly betrays him and his family in public in such a shameless, shameful manner?
Harry's timing, as always, is horrendously selfish.
The book is coming out next year, 2022 – a year that is supposed to be all about celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, marking her 70 years of service to her country.
It's a stunning achievement for a woman who came to the throne when she was just 25 (11 years younger than her grandson is today).
But now, yet again, focus will be deflected away from Her Majesty and back to the attention-seeking grandson whose visceral hatred of the media is now only matched by his addiction to using the same media for self-promotional reasons.
He knows how wrong this is but doesn't give a shit.
Just as he didn't give a shit when he spray-gunned the royals on prime-time US TV as his grandfather was dying.
Harry says he's done this book not as a Prince but 'as the man I have become' but nobody would care about his literary thoughts if he wasn't a Prince, and the man he's become is a treacherous toad, totally unrecognisable from the brave war hero who served his country so valiantly in Afghanistan.
That Harry would have found the new constantly moaning cry-baby Harry as ridiculous as I do.
Prince Poison has gone toxically rogue, and the royals should have nothing more to do with him or his wife Princess Pinocchio until or if they stop this horribly destructive vituperative rampage against them all.
The memoirs are a slap in the face too far for a family that's surely exhausted all collective patience with the Sussexes.
I've said this before, and I now say it again: the Queen should strip Harry and Meghan of all their titles with immediate effect.
Compel them to do this malevolent, manipulative crap in their names, not as royals.
1 comment:
I heard Meghan is going to release her own autobiography soon. The working title is allegedly "YEAH, BUT I CAN SUCK-START A HARLEY."
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