Thursday, February 02, 2023


By Bob Walsh


The formerly great state of California has joined New York and New Jersey in telling the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves in the matter of the Bruen decision.  They tried last year, but attempted to frame the new proposal with an urgency clause which required a 2/3 vote of both houses of the legislature to take effect immediately upon being signed by the governor.  They couldn't quite pull it off.  There is no doubt that this time around they have the simple majority that it will take to make them look like the raving psychopaths they are when they get slapped down by the federal courts.

The CA proposal would ban the carrying of firearms by law-abiding private citizens with a valid gun permit in churches, zoos, banks, libraries and playgrounds as well as virtually all private businesses within the state.  The proposal would also mandate more training, including instruction on safe and legal transport and storage.  

CA used to be a "may issue" state until the Bruen decision.  They now have to issue permits, but are doing the best they possibly can to ensure that nobody carrying with a permit is actually allowed to carry a gun anywhere in the state except on the sidewalk in front of their home.

This proposal, when it passes (which it will) has zero chance of passing court challenges.  But that doesn't matter.  It allows the governor and the liberal-psycho wing of the Democrat-Socialist party to virtue signal like big dogs as well as inconveniencing lawful gun owners as much as possible for as long as possible.  That is, to their way of thinking, a win.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Passing it and enforcing it are two different things. LEOSA trumps it anyway for retired LE.