Ohio is burning but Buttigieg is obsessed with racism in construction… and there's only confusion on the Chinese balloon threat… what kind of a White House has nothing to say about what Americans REALLY care about?
By David Marcus
Daily Mail
February 14, 2023

Ever since President Joe Biden started shooting down every unidentified-floating-object over America, the public has been left to wonder why.
Now four 'objects,' including the Chinese spy ship, have been popped by sophisticated weapons of war over the last 10 days.
So, what explains the White House going from letting balloons soar clear across the purple mountains and fruited plains to suddenly scrambling the F-22s and F-16s to destroy anything that drifts?
Who knows?
Given that this fiasco involves national security and intelligence, it is reasonable that Biden won't simply reveal all. But so far, we've gotten mixed messages leading to confusion and even fear. And to this administration, sickeningly, it's all a big gag.
On Monday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg cracked wise about the situation while lamenting the challenges he's confronted. 'We've faced issues from container shipping to airline cancellations… Now we got balloons,' he joked to a smattering of awkward laughter in the audience.
Ha-ha indeed.
To make matters worse, Buttigieg has blatantly ignored a mushroom cloud of noxious smoke emanating from burning toxic chemicals spewed from a train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio.
Without hardly any warning, the town's working-class residents were roused from their homes and evacuated after tankers derailed on February 3rd, spilling carcinogens like vinyl chloride, phosgene, and hydrogen chloride. Now folks are fearful of long-term cancer risks and ecological devastation.
To make matters worse, Buttigieg
has blatantly ignored a mushroom cloud of noxious smoke emanating from
burning toxic chemicals spewed from a train wreck in East Palestine,
Pete hardly said a word about that. But he did take time to complain in his oh-so-woke-way of construction crews being too white.
'We have heard way too many stories from generations past of infrastructure where you got a neighborhood, often a neighborhood of color, that finally sees the project come to them, but everyone in the hard hats on that project, doing the good paying jobs, don't look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood,' he wailed.
The response was swift and damning, even from some progressive Democrats.
Bernie Sanders-supporting, former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner quipped, 'He jokes about balloons while ignoring East Palestine, OH. We deserve better than this.'
Yes, we do.
Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert went farther, 'Not a single comment about the train crash in Ohio. Instead, he bemoaned the whiteness of the construction industry. It's amazing that this country is able to function at all under this regime.'
That evening, 10 days after the crash, Buttigieg finally addressed the crash, writing: 'I continue to be concerned about the impacts of the Feb 3 train derailment near East Palestine, OH, and the effects on families in the ten days since their lives were upended through no fault of their own.'
Boebert has it exactly right.
The federal government is NOT functioning if it doesn't address the real concerns of ordinary Americans. And on this measure, Biden's White House is utterly failing.
The president only vaguely addressed the Chinese spy balloon in his State of the Union address. Then, in brief remarks to PBS News, he said the incident did not constitute a 'major breach.' That doesn't make any sense.

Why then did Secretary of State Anthony Blinken cancel his trip to China?
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin claimed on Monday that U.S. policy on airspace incursions has not changed. That's absurd.
Why then are objects blowing up over our heads?
The world is witnessing the fecklessness of Biden and his gaggle of lackeys as they all fumble all themselves.
This is deeply unserious and disturbingly dangerous.
There is an old saying, 'tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men,' I think we know where we are right now on that merry-go-round.
For the Biden administration, it's still 1990.
Three decades of America's superpower status have emboldened these navel-gazing neoliberals, who now stalk the halls of the White House squawking about bigotry supposedly hiding under the beds, while China works out its designs on world domination.
The Biden administration would rather focus on an imaginary crisis of racism and wokery than the real world fallout of toxic train accidents or the real crisis of Chinese aggression.
The one thing that can cut through all this nonsense is a realization that America faces a true threat. Ridiculous claims of institutional racism fall apart when Americans – of every race, creed and color – recognize that we face a common enemy.
Last week, the Chinese military wouldn't even pick up the phone when Secretary Austin called to address these events. It's an act of remarkable disrespect from an opponent that believes America is in decline.
Now Secretary Blinken is planning once again to meet with his CCP counterparts, which seems to send the message, 'please China, don't stop trading with us, we can just forget about the balloons.'

Unfortunately, America may need to be reminded how the United States became the world leader – World War II and the Cold War.
Let's be perfectly clear, the status of the United States is very much at risk, our airspace defenses resemble Swiss cheese, we are all but in a proxy war with Russia, and Americans are realizing that a galaxy of pronouns and black national anthems at the Super Bowl are not going to fix it.
But sadly, we are being led by the weakest president to occupy the Oval Office in modern history.
Often when questioned about the nation's challenges, Biden is wont to squint his eyes, tighten his jaw and smugly whisper, 'Just watch me.'
Well, we are watching and what we see is a shameful, shambolic display of timidity and incompetence. China is watching too, no doubt with big smiles, secure in the fact that Biden will do nothing to stop their aggressions.
This is a time for Americans to decide what really matters. Will we continue to destroy ourselves in intramural culture wars as Mayor Pete goads, or will we band together, as our nation always has in the face of foreign threats?
Clearly, China prefers that Americans be at each other's throats.
Unfortunately, all too often, Biden and his cabinet seem to share that view.
1 comment:
Biden, and by extension his administration, neither know nor care what actual Americans really want. They are arrogant elitist asswipes who are certain they know what is best for the peasants.
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