Goebbels’ Heirs, and How Israel Has Become the World’s Jew
Israel Today
The Jew-hatred that today permeates the mainstream media echoes the early Nazi propaganda that laid the groundwork for the Holocaust.
“It is forbidden to make any comparisons with the Holocaust. It stands alone; unparalleled.” This is the position of, probably, the majority of Jews. And, of course, they are right.
As a Gentile, I have studied the deeply shameful legacy of Christian antisemitism, and discovered a truth about the Jews’ pain-filled national consciousness: Undiminished by the passage of time, the Shoah lies before them every day of their lives.
At the same time this, also, is true: That while the organised genocide of Europe’s Jews was unparalleled in scope and execution, it was not a stand-alone event.
What it was, was a horrifying exclamation mark punctuating a 2000-year-long litany of Gentile crimes against this nation. And it was, far and away, the most successful of numerous attempts to eradicate them from the earth.
But it did not begin with Auschwitz, and it did not end there.
A direct line runs through the murder of six million Jews, commemorated worldwide last Friday, to the murder of seven Jews outside a Jerusalem synagogue that same evening, and the attempted murder of two more on Saturday.
January 27 was International Holocaust Memorial Day. That Friday afternoon I heard on Sky News, UK, one of a number of survivors’ testimonies being screened. As she described the horrors experienced in her young life, the woman brought her compassionate, non-Jewish, interviewer to tears.
This survivor, and countless others’, were spelling out to the world the unpalatable truth: the Jews were killed because they were Jews.
Later that day, as Israel entered the Sabbath, a Palestinian Arab opened fire outside a Jerusalem synagogue, taking the lives of, among others, a boy of 14, a married couple, and three older men.
They were killed because they were Jews. This was clear.
So was this (and I know it with certainty, because I have followed this story for so many years): these murders did not shock the world; they moved few, if any, to tears.
There are some people ‘out there’ who, today, hold that Hitler’s Jewish victims were innocents who never deserved to die. But there are multitudes who believe that while Israel’s Jews may not ‘deserve to die,’ they are hardly innocents.
“They are occupiers who have stolen and colonised Arab lands. They practice apartheid, abuse ‘Palestinian’ human rights, commit war crimes and pose a real and present danger to world peace. It is understandable, then, that the Arabs react with violence. These Jews are not like Europe’s Jews.”
But wait a minute. Let’s take a closer look at how Europeans saw the Jews in the 1920s through 1940s. Do we really know what the German people thought as the Jews who had lived among them were singled out, ostracised, branded with yellow stars, had their businesses boycotted, were driven into ghettoes and, finally, were shipped in their millions to the camps?
The answer is yes, we do know. We know, because the complicity of ordinary Germans in the perpetration of the Holocaust has been a subject of much investigation and debate.
Some years ago, a researcher at Jerusalem’s Holocaust Memorial Museum, Yad Vashem, pointed out that Hitler had not begun to murder Jews immediately on becoming chancellor. What he did, was assign Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels the task of sowing the poison of Jew-hatred into German minds.
Goebbels lives on
Goebbels excelled. By the time the machinery was in place for the Final Solution, society had been conditioned to permit, and support, the destruction of the Jews.
And this is the point: To those Germans (and other nationals) who participated in, applauded or remained silent during the Holocaust, the Jews were not innocent at all.
Among the lies they were taught:
- The Jews were responsible for World War 1, and for Germany’s defeat.
- They were to blame for the terrible hardships that followed the war.
- The Jews controlled and manipulated the banks, and were strangling the German economy.
- Plague-spreading sub-humans, Jews polluted the racially pure “Herrenvolk.”
- Germans knew too, having read, among other writings, the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” that the Jews conspired to control the world.
These media messages were fed to a Europe that, for centuries, had drunk the contaminant of antisemitism.
The Jews were an evil. Maybe they didn’t all deserve to die but, if they were being murdered it was, at least somewhat, understandable. They had brought it on themselves and, in any case, the world would be a better place without them.
Thanks to the world’s progressive news media, this is how so many onlookers see Israel’s Jews today.
For decades, newscasters have colluded with one another, disseminating and perpetuating the false, ‘Palestinian’ narrative, publishing and promoting misleading anti-Israel reports – delegitimising the Jewish state; demonising its people; impregnating the masses with antisemitism and turning the world against Israel. These journalists are Goebbels’s heirs. And they are experiencing his success.
As it was with the murder of Europe’s Jews, the murder of Israelis today has become understandable, tolerable, even acceptable. Notwithstanding the mantra of “never again” dutifully mouthed on January 27 by world leaders platformed by the press, the hatred that drenched the Continent in Jewish blood 80 years ago is alive, well and hard-kicking at the Jewish state.
1 comment:
Persecution of Jews goes back a lot further than the Germans.
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