Friday, July 12, 2024


Biden's decay is a national crisis! It's now not a question of if Joe can run... he's clearly not fit to be President. MAUREEN CALLAHAN demands he be removed from office - before it's too late


By Maureen Callahan 


Daily Mail

Jul 12, 2024


As Thursday night’s excruciating NATO press conference proved, Biden is not remotely fit to serve. Earlier in the day, when he’s at his sharpest, we’ve been told, he introduced Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky as ‘President Putin’.

As Thursday night’s excruciating NATO press conference proved, Biden is not remotely fit to serve. Earlier in the day, when he’s at his sharpest, we’ve been told, he introduced Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky as ‘President Putin’.


The issue isn’t whether President Biden should withdraw from the race. It’s why he hasn’t been removed from office.

As Thursday night’s excruciating NATO press conference proved, Biden is not remotely fit to serve. Earlier in the day — when he’s at his sharpest, we’ve been told — he introduced Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky as ‘President Putin’.

To the first question at his ‘Big Boy’ press conference a few hours later, Biden called Kamala Harris ‘Vice President Trump’.

Friday morning, the largest Biden super PAC announced that they've frozen $90 million as long as Joe remains at the top of the ticket, per the New York Times.

Seventeen elected Democrats, as of this writing, have called for Biden to cede the nomination. At least half a dozen more are reportedly preparing to join that call.

Nancy Pelosi has signaled that she agrees. Former president Barack Obama is reportedly on board; among other indicators, he gave the nod to George Clooney’s scathing op-ed in the New York Times calling for Biden to drop out.

This all leads to the only real question: If Joe Biden, ailing and flailing at age 81, isn’t fit to run for office, how can he spend one more minute as president?

To anyone who thinks sentiment is driven by partisanship, listen to Democrats themselves.

‘I doubt [the President] is the one making important decisions about our country,’ wrote Washington State Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez on Thursday.

How is this not a five-alarm fire?

Here is but one mangled thought from Biden last night: ‘I was told not to go over to Europe -- I mean, to Asia -- including Europe, but Asia.’

Another: ‘Our military is worki- ---- I’m following the advice of my commander-in-chief' —

Joe Biden, as president, is the commander-in-chief.

Ukraine is fighting for its existence, as is Israel. World leaders at the G7 — the same world leaders Biden hosted this week— have reportedly expressed grave concerns over his cognitive decline.


Nancy Pelosi has signaled that she agrees. Former president Barack Obama is reportedly on board; among other indicators, he gave the nod to George Clooney’s scathing op-ed in the New York Times calling for Biden to drop out.

Nancy Pelosi has signaled that she agrees. Former president Barack Obama is reportedly on board; among other indicators, he gave the nod to George Clooney’s scathing op-ed in the New York Times calling for Biden to drop out.


We learned, days ago, that a Parkinson’s specialist has been to the White House at least eight times, in eight months, between last summer and late spring.

Until last night, Biden hadn’t given a press conference in about that same time span — eight months.

This is inexcusable. As that fateful debate showed, now we all know why: The media, in collusion with Biden’s staff and party elders, were hoping to keep Biden, and his critical condition, hidden until Election Day.

They all knew. They all have blood on their hands.

This is a Watergate-level scandal. We have a sitting president who is not capable of doing the job. But too many in the media can’t admit it, because to do so would expose themselves for the glorified White House stenographers they’ve become.

So instead, they turn around after the debate and express shock — shock! — at the president’s decompensation while conceding, with seemingly little self-awareness, that they’ve been privy to this crisis for quite some time.

NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd revealed, on Wednesday, that a senior Biden cabinet secretary told him the president 'can’t run again like this' — two years ago.

New York magazine’s Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi wrote, post-debate, that she’d been hearing of the president’s steep decline for at least the past six months. She and her colleagues, she wrote, shared the same reaction to Biden at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in April:

'The group of reporters — not instigated by me, I should note — made guesses about how dead he appeared to be, percentage wise. "Forty percent?" one of them asked.'

Biden used the word ‘moving’ a lot in his NATO remarks, as if he was advised to subliminally urge us to see him as active.

He also trailed off a lot, using the word ‘anyway . . .’ at least nine times before abandoning a train of thought.

He used his infamous cheat sheet to call upon reporters he’s known for years, slurred his words, and answered with a long-winded ramble about the economy when asked about repeated Dem calls to drop out. He mentioned China and the spy balloon (there was more than one, but who cares about details?) before assuring us that all is well, even if he’d reportedly rather head to bed by 8 pm and can only clock a 6-hour work day

As his own press secretary said, if there’s an emergency call in the middle of the night, Biden’s staff lets him sleep.

Remove this man, now.

He can’t be too dangerous to run against Trump but safe enough to run the world. It seems like such an obvious thing to say, except for one niggling fact: No one is saying it

Perhaps because it leads to very uncomfortable questions. Such as: Who is really running the country?

Is it Dr. Jill, who we now know has been sitting in during high-level Oval Office meetings?

Is it Hunter, the once drug-addled, unscrupulous son who has relied on his father’s power for his own personal wealth, and may very well need a presidential pardon to avoid prison?

And what of Kamala Harris, Biden’s actual veep, who upon Biden’s removal would become the first black, female president of the United States? Isn’t that the kind of DEI feather the Dems would otherwise relish? What do they know that we don’t? Or is it down to Jill's personal grudge, as exclusively reported?

If it's the latter, this makes removal of the President even more urgent. The Bidens clearly care about one thing and one thing only: Holding on to power at all costs, national security be damned.

It's way past time to invoke the 25th amendment to the Constitution and remove the president d from office. It can be executed in one of three ways.

Biden could resign with a written declaration that he is 'unable to discharge the power and duties of his office.' Or he could 'temporarily' step aside and make Harris the acting president. If he refuses either, the VP and a majority of the Cabinet could declare him unfit, and if he still refuses to go, he could be removed by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress.

If the Dems are true patriots, now is the time to leverage this threat: Go with dignity, or we’ll force you out and ruin your legacy.

We are post-Orwellian. This distorted reality field only serves to make America, and the world, a far more dangerous place.

How can we be asked to sacrifice so much for one man’s ego?

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