Monday, July 22, 2024


By Bob Walsh

As someone who worked in the CA prison system for 24 years I can appreciate that some of the work rules that apply in the real world are not reasonably applicable to the prison environment.  For instance, you wouldn't believe how many OSHA regs would be broken by prison gun towers.  

One of the more interesting ones is heat exposure for workers, both civil service and inmate employees.  It is (or at least was and as far as I know still is) a violation of state law to air condition inmate housing areas other than medical housing.  Also a lot of other areas, like classrooms, are not air conditioned.  Not only does this effect the prisoners but it effects the civil service people who are stuck there.  

Right now in CA workers, both indoor workers and outside workers, have some protection from unreasonable heat exposure.  If the temperature outdoors goes above stated ranges for stated periods of time, shade and cold water must be provided.  For indoor workers there is now similar protection.  The CA prison system is specifically exempt from these protections.  

The loudest screamers over this seem to relate to race.  About 2/3 of CA prisoners, and more than half of CA prison workers, are other than White.  I confess I am unsure that the issue is racism based.  I tend to believe it is more like "prisoners have nothing coming" and the prison workers kind of get caught in the mix.  As someone who has been on the main yard when it was 116, or in a tower when it was 110, I can appreciate the issue.  I have noted that many of the gun towers are now air conditioned.  That is rather nice, and fairly cheap as well.  Other areas, it is (presumably) still an issue.  I have been out for close to 20 years now, so my interest is primarily academic.

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