Wednesday, July 17, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Judge blocks school district's new transgender notification policy

It is now illegal for a school or school district to have a policy that requires the school notify parents if a minor child decides to change their gender preference.  AB1955 does not prohibit the school from doing so, it prohibits the school from REQUIRING it be done.

Two lawsuits have been filed against the implementation of the law already.

Both sides claim their position is based on protection of the children.  The schools that wish to make the notification also asserts they are interested in protecting the parents rights to parent their children.  The legislature of the state of the formerly great state of California does not give a rat's ass about parents.  Nor does the governor, Gavin "GOD I WANT TO BE PRESIDENT" Newsom.  He is an arrogant ass who absolutely believes that he knows best how the people in CA should live their lives.  Unfortunately many of the voters in CA, a few of who are actual citizens, don't seem to care.

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