Thursday, September 26, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Things are moving along.  And turning even more nasty and vicious.  A tad over 30% of Democrat-Socialists in a recently released poll said they would be perfectly fine if somebody were to murder Donald Trump.  

I am guessing that, from the amount of time she is spending in swing states and the noise from the other-than-progressive talking heads that Kamala's inside polling isn't looking that great. Trumps numbers are just about what they were in 2016 and 2020 and are considered to be very, very firm.  In a lot of places Kamala is underperforming Biden's numbers from 2020, especially in Hispanic population centers.  

Even some of the mainstream media are openly questioning Kamala's decision to say nothing to anybody about anything.  Let her surrogates talk for her in the most general terms.  Except for abortion (which for many people, especially young females) is THE litmus test issue she has problems.  Border security.  The economy.  Immigration policy in general.  Her constant and continual refusing to answer questions about anything substantive are clearly hurting her.  It is very unlikely that she can win with I HATE DONALD TRUMP I AM NOT DONALD TRUMP.  Maybe she has decided to live or die on that hill.  Nobody who knows is talking (for the record at least).
Her peeps and the hard core left media (i.e. The View) are carrying her water like Gunga Din.  They say it is perfectly fine for her to say nothing because Donald Trump is so unspeakably evil.  Do they believe that?  Maybe. Some hard core leftists are truly stupid fucks.  Many are not.

I will continue to watch, listen and on occasion engage in rank speculation and character assassination.  It will give me something to do when I am not cleaning out my office, shooting, cleaning the guns or making ammunition.  I may take a .45 ACP revolver to the Steel Challenge match in three weeks (along with a small-bore iron site pistol).  I have a load in mind so I need to load up 250 or so to take along.  Assuming my new post-cataract surgery glasses are up to the task I should do OK.  I might even do well.  I shot #1 last month in my classification.  (Of course there was only one in my classification, that being over 70 shooting a smallbore pistol with iron sights.  I don't want to become dependent on optical sights.  I can still get one shot on each of five different targets in under six seconds pretty regular.  Of course some of the youngsters with good eyes and red dot sights can do it in under 3 seconds.  Its fun, and it gives a lot of meaningful practice in quick sight alignment and trigger control.   

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