Tuesday, September 24, 2024


By Bob Walsh


New York Budget Includes Plastic Bag Ban, Mansion Tax, Manhattan Toll


The God-Emperor of the formerly great state of California, Gavin (God I Want To Be President) Newsom, just signed legislation that completely outlaws the use of plastic bags in the retail setting in CA in about 18 months.

Quite some time ago CA outlawed the old, light-weight single use grocery bags.  If you want a bag in a grocery store now you pay 10 cents for a paper bag or a heavy duty (reusable) plastic bag.  It was hoped that that would cut down on plastic grocery bags in the trash stream.  It didn't.  It made it worse.  Since Greasy Gavin and his road dogs in the legislature absolutely believe that they are the smartest people on the planet and know what is good for you much better than you do yourself (because you are stupid and they are smart and they CARE and you don't) so you should just do what they want you to do and shut the fuck up.  

Maybe now the voters in CA will get their heads out of their asses and start voting for some people who are not liberal jerkoffs.  If, however, the chance comes for you to bet on that happening you should pass.  It's not a good bet.

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