Sunday, September 22, 2024


US hostility, Israel’s undermining and a ‘Post-Israel Middle East’

Foreign interests seek to influence Israel’s domestic policy, security decisions and public discourse to the detriment of the Jewish state. 


By Tom Cohen



Sep 22, 2024


The relationship between the United States, Israel and Iran is not just marked by geopolitical friction; it is part of a deliberate and covert agenda aimed at dismantling Israel’s sovereignty, fracturing its society and strategically empowering its enemies, particularly Iran. This agenda employs psychological manipulation, ideological subversion and the careful engineering of internal discord to weaken Israel from within while bolstering its adversaries in pursuit of a “post-Israel Middle East.”

A key aspect of this strategy is the systematic control of Israel’s narrative with media and academic institutions serving as primary vehicles for ideological subversion. Through a calculated process, foreign-backed entities have aligned Israel’s media outlets and academic institutions with external agendas designed to fragment Israeli society. This manipulation is evident in how settlers in Judea and Samaria, as well as other staunch defenders of Israel’s sovereignty, are demonized and portrayed as extremists disconnected from the national interest.

The narrative extends to Jewish studies and Israeli identity, which are ridiculed as primitive or irrelevant, further undermining the state’s cultural and historical foundations. Media and academic elites collaborate to depict these defenders as barriers to peace while presenting figures aligned with foreign interests as legitimate voices of moderation. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a longtime protector of Israel’s security, is a key target of such manipulation; those compliant with external agendas are promoted as more suitable leaders.

Foreign-backed nongovernmental organizations play a crucial role in this ideological subversion, operating under the facade of guardians for human rights, democracy and civil society. These NGOs act as covert channels for foreign interests, seeking to influence Israel’s domestic policy, security decisions and public discourse. Through massive funding from U.S.-based sources, they have infiltrated Israel’s legal, political and security apparatuses, subtly steering them towards agendas that undermine Israel’s existential interests.

They promote civil unrest, social movements and legal challenges to Israeli policies while masquerading as defenders of freedom and justice. In reality, they systematically weaken state institutions, impair Israel’s military posture and fuel internal divisions.

In this multidimensional campaign, senior Israeli officials are not immune to the influence of carrots and sticks wielded by foreign entities. For example, the Wexner Foundation, a foreign-funded NGO, plays a critical role in shaping the policies of high-ranking officials within Israel’s defense, political and security systems. It was founded in the early 1980s to create a strong Jewish leadership in North America and Israel, and to deepen connections between the two countries. Through generous scholarships, financial incentives and prestigious opportunities abroad, it has ingratiated itself with key figures, subtly steering them toward policies aligned with foreign objectives, even when these conflict with Israel’s national security needs.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak is a prominent figure in this destabilization effort. His cybersecurity company—financed with American funds and granted special permissions by the U.S. administration—gives him significant leverage with Western powers, which he potentially uses to advance the foreign-backed agenda within Israel. Barak’s ties to the Wexner Foundation are profound; he has admitted to leveraging relationships with Israel’s most powerful figures to paralyze the economy and create chaos. Barak has sought to mobilize tens of thousands of people to disrupt Israel’s institutions, incite protests and put a siege on the Knesset.

While internal cohesion is exploited, Israel’s external military strategy is deliberately compromised. The Iranian regime, empowered by the lifting of U.S. sanctions and billions in financial infusions, is accelerating its pursuit of a nuclear weapon.

Simultaneously, Israel is being pressured by the U.S. administration to refrain from decisive military action against Iran and its regional proxies, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

An example of this strategy is the pressure Washington has placed on Israel to withdraw from the Philadelphi corridor, the critical border zone between Gaza and Egypt. This would sever Israel’s control over Hamas’s weapons supply routes, enabling the terror organization to resupply and regroup unimpeded. The Philadelphi axis is Hamas’s vital lifeline, and without control over this area, Israel cannot fully defeat Hamas. The U.S. administration’s insistence on this withdrawal, coupled with delayed military aid, just extends Israel’s conflict with Hamas and distracts from the most dangerous threat posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

As Israel endures internal strife and external distractions, Iran continues its advance towards nuclear capability. The lifting of sanctions and tens of billions in cash infusions from Washington have strengthened Iran’s ability to support its regional proxies—Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and other militant groups throughout the region. The U.S.-brokered agreement between Israel and Hezbollah in 2022 under then-Prime Minister Yair Lapid granted the terrorist organization significant economic and territorial concessions in northern Israel, further amplifying Iran’s regional influence and leverage over Israel.

These dual strategies of empowering Iran while weakening Israel from within are aimed at shifting the balance of power in the Middle East. The American administration’s overt hostility towards Israel, combined with covert efforts to bolster Iran and its proxies, underscores a grander agenda: one designed to bring about a “Post-Israel Middle East.”

A leaked document, “Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East,” despite disputes over its authenticity, offered insight into the strategic goals behind these actions. It reportedly outlined a vision where destabilizing Israel is seen as central to achieving a new regional order. It suggested that key powers within the United States are working towards a scenario where Israel ceases to exist as a viable state, replaced by a geopolitical landscape more favorable to its adversaries.

In sum, these actions represent a calculated, multi-faceted campaign designed not only to undermine Israel’s sovereignty but to strategically empower its enemies and weaken the Jewish state to the point of potential collapse.

This administration represents the most hostile in American history, actively working with deeply ingrained influences within Israeli society and levers of power, undermining its stability and sovereignty while simultaneously injecting oxygen and steroids into Iran’s octopus. If Israel does not recognize and counter these covert strategies, it risks being overwhelmed by internal disintegration and external threats. The urgency for decisive action is critical, as Israel’s survival hinges on its ability to resist foreign manipulation and maintain its defense against looming existential dangers.

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