Saturday, January 02, 2021


Serious About What Is The Question

by Bob Walsh

Ted Cruz is not a stupid man, nor is he an unserious man.  So why is he and ten of his colleagues about to challenge some of the electors when Congress meets in a few days to certify (or not certify) the results?

The statutory requirement under the Electoral Count Act is that the vote was not "regularly given" or "lawfully certified" in several of the states where Donald Trump did not win and where, depending on who you ask, there was anywhere from the ordinary and expected levels of fraud and stupidity to truly unusual levels of fraud and stupidity, to the extent where the vote should be challenged.

Some of those who are telling the challengers that they are acting dangerously are not disputing their position, merely asserting that the challenge will tend to throw elections in general into question.  That being said, if the challengers are correct maybe they SHOULD be thrown into question.  They see themselves as on the side of the angels, not as being shit stirrers.  (Also, it is likely that not a little bit of this is political posturing and pandering to the base, much of which truly does think that Trump got screwed by fraud.)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Get real!  The election is over and the White Obama will be president on January 20.


Trey said...

Bob, I agree. The stink is there. It needs to be uncovered and disposed of. I believe our country is on the brink of ruin. Both Democrats and Republicans are at fault. The Constitution is being ignored and career politicians are working for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Just a last-gasp, desperate, showboating attempt by the Trump boot lickers to try and gain favor from the Republican base in anticipation of the 2024 election. It's over..he lost fair and square. This was litigated in federal and state courts and the SCOTUS refused to even hear about it. No evidence..Trump just being a sore loser crying "cheater". There was no evidence of voter fraud on the scale they are alluding to. None. Nothing. Notta. Not a scrap of evidence. Reminds me of a kids baseball game where the losing team walks off of the field with big crocodile tears running down their cheeks all the while crying "they cheated"!. Bunch of immature crybabies.

Trey said...

How big of a fraud is permissible?