Monday, July 05, 2021


by Bob Walsh

OK, to some extent the question is non-sensical.  I am unsure the country ever left the toilet.  That being said, the current government does believe in treating women like human beings and officially disapproves to selling 12-year old girls to 60-year old men.  

The talking heads assert that the U S Intelligence Community believes that the current government of Afghanistan will fall in six months of the US pulling out.  Right now it is looking more like six weeks.  The Afghan army is surrendering facilities without firing a shot and the goatfuckers are taking over a LOT of US paid for weapons and equipment, which will allow them to take over more and more and more of the country.

Personally I don't give a shit about Afghanistan.  Alexander couldn't hold it.  The Brits couldn't hold it.  The Russkies couldn't hold it.  We didn't even try to keep it.  We tried to drag the country, kicking and screaming, out of the 12th century.  With indifferent results.  I think it is a damn shame that the goatfuckers get off on treating their women like property and their girls like dogs, but it isn't my business.  What I do care about is that the goatfuckers do not decide that they must export their brand of stupidity to the US.

Trying to impress western democracy on a place like Afghanistan is a waste of time, money and blood.  With a bit of luck their own people will, at some times, scream BULLSHIT and deal with the issues themselves.  Until then let them have their goats.  If they cause us grief, turn the country into a parking lot.  For much of it, it would be an improvement.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Afghanistan has always been run by tribes and territorial war lords. The Taliban is already filling the void. The opium trade will flourish. The border crossings are already being run by the Taliban and Afghan troops are fleeing. We spent way too long over there and I believe it was all for nothing except to justify a large military budget. I suppose that means we won't be teaching CRT to the locals now. Fuck that place.