By Bob Walsh
You might remember that Chesa
Boudin, the former extremely woke radical District Attorney from San
Francisco was thrown out of office by the voters last year. He was
replaced by Brooke Jenkins.
last week Ms. Jenkins announced that her office was dropping the
manslaughter charges against SFPD officer Christopher Samayoa arising
from the officer shooting Keita O'Neil, a car jacking suspect, to death
in 2017. It was, as far as anybody can tell, the first time a SFPD
officer had been charged with homicide for on-duty conduct.
notified the Attorney General that she could not ethically proceed with
the prosecution. She said, "It appears that the case was filed for
political reasons and not in the interests of justice. I can not pursue
this case out of political convenience. Given the.....complete lack of
good faith surrounding the filing of this matter, we can not ethically
proceed with this prosecution."
The officer had been with the SFPD only a few days before this situation went down. He was promptly fired.
1 comment:
And that my friends is why I no longer recommend law enforcement as a career choice.
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