Wednesday, September 18, 2024


By Bob Walsh



President Harry Truman is pictured soon after his re-election victory in 1948. Truman is laughing because the Chicago Daily Tribune headlined NY Gov. Dewey as the winner.


Amanda Diaz is a reporter for CBS.  She recently cruised three restaurants in Nevada, one each in Reno, Las Vegas and Pahrump.  In each restaurant she found ONE PERSON who was planning on voting for Kamala.  Everybody else was either a Trump supporter or a STRONG Trump supporter.  

It isn't exactly scientific but it is IMHO significant.

I am remind of the Truman v Dewey election.  Truman had a guy who went around to barber shops, hardware stores and small markets and kept his ears open.  He reported back to Harry a couple of days before the election that the common people really liked him and he shouldn't worry, he would win the election.  He was right. 

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