Saturday, September 14, 2024


What in the world is Trump doing with Loony Laura Loomer? KENNEDY's PURR-fect theory about Don's attraction to the 9/11 Truther - who's on a fast track to becoming a catlady


By Kennedy 

Daily Mail

Sep 14, 2024

Now, disavow claims about 'cat-eating.' Honestly, what is up with the GOP ticket's feline obsession? (Above) Cat-meme posted on Donald Trump's Truth Social account

Now, disavow claims about 'cat-eating.' Honestly, what is up with the GOP ticket's feline obsession? (Above) Cat-meme posted on Donald Trump's Truth Social account


Something is LOOM-ing over Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

Yes, I'm talking about conspiracy theorist/race-baiter/MAGA roadie/evil-eyebrow aficionado Laura Loomer.

This woman could put a kid with a nut allergy into anaphylactic shock from a country-mile away and should be nowhere near a man who wants to be president.

Yet, this 9/11 'Truther,' who dubbed herself a 'proud Islamaphobe,' (make sense of that!) was seen disembarking Trump's plane in Philadelphia before Tuesday's ABC News debate, joined his team backstage at the event and then again in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11!

Loomer is so looney tunes that even Space-laser lover Marjorie Taylor Greene called her out for being 'appalling and extremely racist.'

Well, Don. With good pals like Laura, who needs the Presidency, huh? 

Because that's sure how this is starting to look.

With seven weeks to go to Election Day, there isn't a damaging distraction that Trump won't grab with both his tiny hands.

By Friday night, Trump was belated rowing back from The Loomonster.


In 2020, Loomer defeated five opponents to win the Republican primary in Florida's 21st Congressional District with 43 percent of the vote but lost the general election

Something is LOOM-ing over Donald Trump 's presidential campaign. Yes, I'm talking about conspiracy theorist/race-baiter/MAGA roadie/evil-eyebrow aficionado Laura Loomer (above, left).


'I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me,' Trump posted on Truth Social.

Good. Now, disavow claims about 'cat-eating.'

Honestly, what is up with the GOP ticket's feline obsession?

J.D. Vance once claimed that our great nation was being run by 'a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.'


















Then, at the debate, Trump threw kerosene on an unverified, third-hand Facebook yarn out of Springfield, Ohio about a 'neighbor's daughter's friend' who lost her kitty and found it dangling from a tree ready to be eaten by Haitian migrants.

One might assume it would be a good idea to vet a flammable story like this. Instead, Trump, made it the cherry on top of his migrant-crime sundae.

'They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there,' he said of Springfield's alleged Haitian cat-ibals.

Look, I can't say that Loomer planted that ridiculous line in Trump's 'very, very large brain,' but I'll bet she didn't pry him off that scratching post either.

If there's anyone on a fast track to cat-ladydom, it's Loony Loomer. (You can smell the soiled Fresh Step from here!) 

But for the life of me, I can't figure out why Trump seems to be along for the ride.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

That cat picture is GREAT. I should have that on a T-Shirt.