Tuesday, September 10, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Biden Drops Out of Race, Endorses Harris by Bart van Leeuwen, PoliticalCartoons.com

Yes, I know we do not have a national election, we have 54 local-state elections.  That being said a poll released on Monday shows Trump up 1% over Kamala nationwide.  Considering that Hillary was up 8% nationally over Trump three days before the election that may show the electorate is heading in the right direction.

Now if Donald will just not step on his dick at the debatable debate this evening I will feel a little more comfortable.  Not truly comfortable, but less uncomfortable maybe.  ABC is going to declare Kamala the winner even if she strokes out during the debate.  The viewers may possibly have their own ideas.  

I shall try to give you the benefit of my vast knowledge and experience after the showdown.   

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