Thursday, March 08, 2018


by Bob Walsh

It's kind of like the old Beatle's song about The Tax Man. The People's Republic of San Francisco is now taxing landowners for the rain that falls on their property.

This "storm water fee" is being assessed allegedly to help the city maintain their prehistoric water treatment system. The justification is that for every inch of water that falls in S.F. about 430 million gallons of runoff lands in the sewer system which then has to be treated.

The first targets of this tax will be owners of undeveloped property, of which there actually is some in S.F. If you own a piece of property that does not have a sewer hookup or water service you will begin paying $31.46 per month because the rain falls on your property. The fee will expand to all property owners in the City and County of San Francisco as the years move along and the greedy bastards want MORE and MORE and MORE money to piss away on legal defense funds for criminal illegal aliens.

EDITOR'S NOTE: One would think this is a joke, except that it's San Fransicko in Kookfornia.

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