Thursday, March 08, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Tyler Watson, age 20, went into both the Field and Stream store (part of Dick's sporting goods) in Oregon and tried to buy a .22 rifle. He also tried to buy a similar weapon a WalMart. Both turned him down, citing new company policy. It is LEGAL under both state and federal law for a person who is at least 18 and not otherwise restricted to buy such a gun in Oregon.

He filed suit in both Jackson County (Dick's) and Josephine County (WalMart) alleging violation of ORS 659A.403 which bans age discrimination with the specific exceptions of Marijuana and Alcohol. His take is that if firearms are not mentioned the law covers sale of firearms.

Watson is claiming punitive damages and legal fees. I hope he wins. I am not sure I will bet on it.

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