Friday, March 11, 2011


Thursday’s congressional hearing on the radicalization of American Muslims was full of theatrics by Democrats as they defended Muslims and condemned the investigation. To hear the Democratic members of King’s committee bewail these hearings you would think it was Peter King who should be investigated.

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the nation's first Muslim-American congressman, gave a tearful tear-jerking performance that was worthy of an Oscar as he wailed about Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a Muslim paramedic who died on 9/11.

And then there was Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, the motormouth from Houston.

From ‘Compelling Testimony, Political Theater at Radicalization Hearing’ by Steven Emerson in today's Jewish World Review, here is what Jackson Lee had to say:

__U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas wondered whether the hearing violated the First Amendment's protection of religious freedom.

__Lee said the hearing placed the Constitution "in pain" by demonizing an entire community. Oddly, she found the presence of two Muslim witnesses testifying about obstruction from organized Islamic groups to be proof that Muslims indeed were cooperating with authorities. "They are here doing what this hearing suggests they do not do," she said. "I question where are the uncooperative Muslims?"

Proof that Muslims indeed were cooperating with authorities? Didn’t motormouth hear the two witnesses testify about the OBSTRUCTION from Islamic groups? This is typical of Jackson Lee who, more often than not, puts her big mouth in motion before she puts her small brain in gear.

It sure looks like that when all is said and done, Peter King will have been vilified and the Muslim community will have been praised from here to eternity for standing shoulder to shoulder with our authorities in the fight against Islamic terrorism.


Montana said...

Why doesn’t this Peter T. King investigate the “Home Grown” radicalization of Irish Americans, who support the tradition wing of the IRA (Irish Republican Army), or Noraid (The Irish Northern Aid Committee), and being recruited by “Enemy Overseas” or worse “Enemy Overseas” the “Catholic Church ”, where they radicalize the priests into raping our young American boys, what about that you hypocrite scumbag.

Peter King is a hypocrite, he supported the terrorist group IRA, who killed innocent British people, but hey I guess that was OK, right? Killing innocent people is OK, as long as they are not born is the United States, yup that sounds about right. I guess Jesus Christ would give all you extra points for that, NOT!

No, there are no dancing in the street when Catholics hear about a pedophile priest, but there has been a concerted effort to Deny, Deflect, Defend this “Enemy Overseas” the “Catholic Church ”, I don’t even think you could deny that fact. What would Jesus Christ, say about this so called Church, I have a few thoughts myself.

47 seconds in;

BarkGrowlBite said...

Montana, you are so full of it. You better rush over to your doctor and have him try to cure you of a bad casee of leftwingitis, but I'm afraid that for you it's an uncurable diesease! And when you call me a 'hypocrite scumbag' you were obviously looking in a mirror.

Peter King is no hypocrite! He is investigating the threat of terrorism against our country by American Islamists.

Irish-Americans never threatend our country. Neither did the IRA or NORAID. But terrorism by our homegrown Islamists is a distinct possibility.

I'm sure Peter King does not by any stretch of the imagination condone the abuse of boys by priests.

You need to take your hatred of Catholics up with the Pope!

Anonymous said...

Representative Peter King proves that Joe McCarthy was right, there are genuine threats against the USA. McCarthy proved that communists in government were trying to destroy us.

Peter King is asking the questions which we need to answer. Are there homegrown Muslims who want to destroy our country? What can we do about it before it happens?

I would add since there no such thing as a moderate Muslim, why are they here?

California Cop

Centurion said...

I think that any group that poses a threat is a logical target (metaphorically of course) for a congressional hearing or investigation.

I heard some airhead demanding that the KKK be invstigated yesterday.

Uhm...they were. Back in the 60's and 70's. They've been dealt with. They are no longer a major threat. If somebody thinks they are though...have at it. Give it another go.

A just that. An opportunity to gather facts and testamony into an issue.

Montana...if some congresman or woman thinks it approptiate and worthwhile to investigate Irish Americans or the Catholic Church...well...bring it on. If no one thinks it worth there while then I highly suggest you contact YOUR local congress person and make your wishes known.

J Brandeis Sperandeo said...

I agree with Montana, but my point was that we can't get bogged down combating the obvious inanity and lose sight of the bigger picture, which is that this is but a manufactured distraction to keep our attention away from the fact that they are engineering a systematic takeover of this country. I was never a conspiracy theorist before, but it is right in front of you if you can look past the smoke and mirrors.

Eric said...

You got this one wrong:

Brown, vaguely Arabic Muslim guy tries to kill innocent people to make a political statement = Terrorist

White, Christian guy tries to kill innocent people to make a political statement = nationalist hero only doing what the British forced him to do by not recognizing his natural rights

King doesn't ignore or dismiss terrorists when they're white, he embraces them and acts as a volunteer apologist for murdering fucks. He's not just a bigot, he's your full-throated hypocritical douche.

Hazmat said...

@Montana: The Catholic Church, based an ocean away in Vatican City, has followers in the US who try to influence policy which effect Americans outside of their congregations. The Catholic Church hierarchy tries to shield the abusing priests from being prosecuted in the US legal system. If King gave the same energy to those activities, he would risk offending his constituents.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Peter King is no 'full-throated hypocritical douche.' He's not even a plain hypocrite.

While the abuse of young boys by priests is absolutely abhorrent and the response of the church has been piss poor, what in the hell has that got to do with the threat of terrorism. Don't take your hatred of Catholics out on Peter King, take it up with the Pope.

It seems obvious to me that you guys who are so critical of of King are oblivious of, or choose to ignore the terroristic plots by Muslims that have been uncovered in several European countries. King is merely trying to ascertain the degree of threat in this country, and well he should be.

I feel sorry for you guys. You appear to be suffering from severe cases of leftwingitis and politcorrecitis. You would be well advised to consult a doctor to see if he can prescribe a cure for those diseases.