Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have been a longtime fan of Willie Nelson but I have never condoned his use of marijuana. Willie not only uses pot, he flaunts his use. He’s been busted numerous times for possession of pot and always treated with kid gloves.

Last November, Willie was rolling along I10 when he had to stop at the border patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, southeast of El Paso. There, cops found several ounces of pot on Willie’s tour bus. The case is now being resolved. According to, the Hudspeth County attorney is offering Willie a ‘musical’ plea bargain. “I’m gonna let him plead, pay a small fine and he’s gotta sing ‘Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain’ with his guitar right there in the courtroom.”


When Bramblett and the judge agree to let Willie off if he will sing to the judge, they are making a mockery of justice!

If this were Willie’s first, second or even third pot bust, I would reluctantly accept a sweetheart plea deal. But this is the umpteenth time Willie has been caught with pot. And every time he's caught, it's with several ounces, not with just a couple of joints. He’s even openly smoked it on stage during several of his concerts. Isn’t it way past due for prosecutors to pull the plug on Willie’s pot escapades?

Of course, the problem is that we have a two-tiered justice system. There is justice for the rich and famous who can afford the best attorneys that money can buy and there is justice for the poor slobs who have neither fame nor fortune and who cannot afford an attorney.

And among the Hollywood and music celebrities there is what’s come to be known as celebrity justice. Bad behavior is rewarded with leniency time after time. Just look at the special treatment Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen have received.

And then there is Lindsay Lohan, the Queen of Bad Behavior! Until she was caught committing a felony theft when she walked out of a store with an expensive piece of jewelry – not her first theft – Lohan has been rewarded instead of punished for driving drunk, being doped up and violating probation.

Prosecutors who are offering celebrities sweetheart deals for bad behavior are making a mockery out of justice. Meanwhile, any poor slob who did what Willie Nelson and Lohan have done, would have been looking at some serious jail time.

EDITOR’S NOTE. I know that many, if not most people believe the laws against marijuana are bad laws. But we brag about and take pride for living in a nation that is ruled by law, not by men! As such we do not have the right to decide for ourselves which laws are good and obey them, and which laws are bad and break them. Wen we do that, we are no longer ruled by law, we are then ruled by men.

1 comment:

BarkGrowlBite said...

Trey wrote:

I agree with you. Willie Nelson needs to be held accountable for his marijuana offense. A month in the Hudspeth County lockup and a hefty fine would do it. Maybe he could make trustie status and wash cars and mop floors.

Everyone has to pass through Hudspeth County on IH-10 heading west out of Texas. However, If you have to stop in that shithole for any reason you have already been punished.