Friday, February 19, 2021


by Bob Walsh

The school board in Oakley, CA held a zoom meeting Wednesday night.  For some reason or other some of them thought it was a "closed" (private) meeting.  They proceeded to bash the parents for wanting the schools back open.  It got rather nasty actually.  Then somebody got around to telling them that the zoom meeting was in fact NOT a closed meeting but was open to the public and the public was watching.

There is a recall attempt rolling already.


Trey said...

You never know whos watching or listening. At a local city Zoom meeting each participant is asked to mute their device until speaking. One elderly lady began yelling at her husband and made disparaging comments about the Mayor. The whole town heard her and everyone knew who she was. I don't think she gave a shit.

bob walsh said...

at least one of the board members on the call has resigned.

bob walsh said...

Now they have all resigned. Wave bye-bye to the nice idiots.