Wednesday, February 24, 2021



by Bob Walsh

The formerly great state of California is in line to pick up about $40 billion dollars if Joe Biden's "give everybody everything" Covid-19 relief package passes as it is currently structured.  The thing is the state itself has already picked up an extra $10 billion in revenue.  They don't exactly broadcast it but the state has done very well for itself during the Covid mess.  Much better than many local governments.  So well the state is shelling out its own $600 per eligible person Covid-19 relief package, just approved this week.

This reality is causing Biden some problems with pimping his own project.  It is hard to justify really dubious deficit spending to kick down money to people who don't really need it.  Not impossible, but hard.  The tax payers and their representatives from Kansas and Nebraska may not want to have their taxes raised so that California and New York can keep pouring money down a rat hole.  

The perils of being in charge.  You have to actually make shit work.

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