Tuesday, February 23, 2021


by Bob Walsh

That is part of what makes hard-core liberals successful.  They keep hammering away and they are wiling, even happy, to take small wins.

State Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) has proposed SB264.  If passed into law it would outlaw gun and ammunition sales on state property and on property controlled by various District Agricultural Associations, which includes 52 of the 58 county fair grounds in the formerly great state of California.  

Min asserts (falsely) that, "The evidence is overwhelmingly clear-more guns lead to more violence."

The pro gun show crowd states, correctly, that the gun shows are a very useful and even necessary source of income for the properties.  Covid has hit these operations particularly hard.  Many, perhaps all, county fairs were cancelled last year and may be cancelled this year.  The Cow Palce earns more than $700,000 per year from guns shows on the property, and those sales generate a further $600,000 in tax revenue.  The Orange County Fair gets $715,000 per year in revenue from gun shows at that location.

It is estimated about 10% of Californians own guns legally.  The current law in CA prohibits undocumented private party transfers of firearms and gun show sellers must have a background check thru the DOJ.   


Trey said...

Only 10% of Californians own guns legally? We give guns as gifts in Texas. I would estimate that 80% of Texans own guns and that may be a low estimate. Except for convicted Felons and certified Lunatics what makes gun ownership illegal?

bob walsh said...

Many misdemeanors are disqualifying for gun ownership. Certain "minor" domestic violence beefs will do it. Also being rude to Nancy Pelosi can get you a "red flag" order.

bob walsh said...

Also, I admit that 10% figure seems curious to me too, but that is what the source for this (Sacramento BEE) said. I am wondering if what they MEANT to say was that 10% have bought guns since the pandemic started. That would make more sense.