Friday, February 26, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Zahara Ismaili, age not given, was the wife of an intelligence official in Iran.  She killed her husband, allegedly in self defense after years of abuse to herself and her children.  She was sentenced to die by hanging.

She died of a heart attack while watching the 16 male prisoners hung ahead of her.  The officials in charge had her dead body stood up on a chair and a rope placed around her neck or so late husband's mother could kick the chair out from under her lifeless corpse.  

I guess those people are really serious about what they laughingly refer to as justice.

1 comment:

Trey said...

In Iran women are equal to livestock. They are treated a possessions and are often mistreated. Their genitalia is mutilated in an effort to afford them no sexual pleasure and beaten at will. They are lucky if their arranged marriage is to a kind man.