Sunday, June 27, 2021


By Trey Rusk

The hot air balloon split in two in mid-air, sending the gondola with passengers still onboard crashing into a power line at 100ft, while the balloon itself drifted off. The reason for the gondola breaking off is not yet known

The basket is seen on the ground in the busy street Saturday with victims lying close by as emergency crews respond to the scene


I recently read a story about a Hot Air Balloon crash in new Mexico.  Let me begin by saying I'm not a big fan of heights.  Even commercial flight bothers me.  I say this because there is no way you can fight gravity and win.  I have fallen off a ladder and on the way down began to roll in an effort to ease the sudden stop.  It still hurt but luckily I didn't break anything.  

When I headed a LE task force in Northeast Texas I was contacted by a local Sheriff who asked if I could supply a few Agents for crowd control at the annual Hot Air Balloon Festival.  That request was really out of the TABC's role, but the Sheriff had a Deputy assigned to the task force so I complied with the request.  I didn't know much about Hot Air Balloons but I quickly learned that they couldn't be steered and that most of the time ground assistance was needed to land.  

While watching several of the beautiful Balloons, I was asked if I wanted to ride on one that was tethered to the ground.  Simply going up and back down.  I know I hurt the local business owners feeling when I refused.  

Sometime before the festival, a Hot Air Balloon ride had crashed in Texas the after it hit a 40,000 volt power lines.  Several people died and a few were maimed for life.  It turned out the pilot was legally impaired.  

Many of my friends know that I don't hang out where I'm not the top of the food chain.  I used to wade fish in the Gulf of Mexico but people began to get skin infections and died.  So I stopped.  I used to hunt deer, hogs and doves.  I stopped because after I figured the cost of the trip and processing of the meat, I was paying a hefty sum.  I also stepped on a Cotton Mouthed Moccasin on a trip that came very close to biting me.  I was high stepping with a chambered shotgun and I thought about shooting the snake but decided I was in the snake's territory.   So I quit walking across fields where I couldn't see what was around my feet.  I also stopped going to high crime cities such as New York City and L.A.   

So, while standing in the middle of a Hot Air Balloon field someone started screaming for help.  I turns out that the tethered balloon had come loose and was sailing away with a woman and two teenagers aboard.  People were shouting instructions on how to release the hot air and one of the teenagers pulled a rope and the balloon descended but not before the basket hit a barbed wire fence and spilled the occupants in a cow pasture.  No one was badly hurt.  However, I made a mental note about the power of gravity as they were dumped to the ground from about 5 feet.  I thought It could have easily been a power line at 50 feet.  

I don't ride on Zip Lines or Bungee Jump from bridges either.  I will ride on a cable car but I may stop that after reading about cable car mishaps.   

I write this because on a recent flight on a commercial aircraft I knew something was wrong.  We were on our approach to Hobby Airport and looking from the window I could see the runway directly below us.  In my estimation we were coming in too fast.  I was right.  The pilot pulled up and circled for another try.  It was pilot error or was it?  It turns out we were on board a new 737-Max 800.  You know.  The plane that has so far crashed twice killing nearly 400 people in Asia.  You may hate gravity but gravity doesn't care.


Dave Freeman said...

I don't walk on sidewalks anymore. I read about some guy getting run over doing that.

Trey said...

Dave, The story is about gravity. From what I've seen of your neighborhood, there aren't many sidewalks just lots of dirt. Go take your meds. It will be OK.

Dave Freeman said...

Can't be too careful Trey. You still wearing your mask?

Trey said...

No Dave, for once I followed the herd in Texas. I do keep one in my truck. I will say this for my year of wearing a mask. I didn't catch a cold. Thanks for checking.