Wednesday, June 23, 2021


by Bob Walsh

This is actually a GOOD thing.  The "For The People Act" was in fact the "Perpetual Power For The Democrat Party Act."  Had it passed into law it would have federalized elections, make it legally impossible to purge voter rolls and allow rampant voter fraud with legal protection for the fraudsters.

The bill would have made voter registration automatic, encourage vote harvesting and forbid voter ID requirements.

The vote to take a vote was 50/50 along strict party lines.  Under the current Senate rules it needs 60 votes to move a bill forward to a final vote.  This requirement, known as a legislative filibuster, may come under direct attack by the Democrat-Socialists, who are desperate to move their hard-left agenda before the next congress is seated in 19 months.  It is expected that they, as the party in power, will almost certainly lose control of the Senate and may very well lose control of the House as well (as well they should)..

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