Saturday, June 26, 2021


Letters to the Editor about Curtis Sliwa 


New York Post

June 25, 2021



New York Post readers share their support for Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa


If Curtis Sliwa does not become the next mayor, this once-thriving city will face possible extinction. Mayor de Blasio has assured us of that (“Curtis romps to GOP win,” June 23).

If Sliwa’s Democratic opponent is elected, the new slogan for New York City will be: “More of the same.” Democrats have proven time and time again that they are incapable of running America’s large cities.

Sliwa will bring his long-recognized philosophies of crime elimination and prevention to a location that is screaming for change.

It is long past time that Democrats realize that the only way to evoke change is to elect a Republican. If not, they will once again reap what they have sown.

Ed Quinlan
New Hyde Park


I was very surprised that The Post endorsed Eric Adams for mayor.

Adams is just another politician who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. It would be nice if you would give equal time to Curtis Sliwa, the Republican candidate, as he will certainly have an uphill battle going against the well-oiled Democratic machine.

Sliwa tells it like it is. He’s a fighter and a true New Yorker who will bring law and order back to the city. He’s clearly what this city needs to get back on track.

E. Keeffe


Congrats to Sliwa on winning his party’s nomination for mayor.

Here is a man who not only speaks his mind, but also takes the necessary action to correct the problem. He definitely is the right man for the job of our next mayor. If this city has eight more years of Democratic mayors, it certainly will be more of a disastrous mess than it already is.

Sliwa is for adding more police on our streets to make them safe. He will get the job done of cleaning up our city and returning it to its former vibrancy, and the Big Apple will once again shine with pride.

John Amato
Fresh Meadows


I am amazed that The Post and Michael Goodwin both totally ignore the Republican candidate for mayor, Curtis Sliwa. Curtis has shed his blood in New York’s defense his entire life.

You want law and order? Curtis will give it to you. He will truly be the unshakeable boulder that New York needs, given the crazy laws the Democrats have passed, which gave “get out of jail free” tickets to so many dangerous criminals.

Wake up before it’s too late for this once great city.

Donald Morris

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

It would be nice if he made it. He won't.