Sunday, June 20, 2021


by Bob Walsh

This coming Tuesday is the democrat primary for may or of the crime-ridden shithole known as New York, New  York, the city so fucked-up they have to say the name twice so you can get over the shock.  The primary is for all practical purposes the same thing as the general election in this, the bluest of blue cities, though Curtis Sliwa may make a decent appearance on the Republican side as a law-and-order candidate.

One batch out of the 13 Democrats running is trying to out-liberal everybody else.  The other batch is trying to out-reasonable everybody else, on the New York City scale of reasonable, which is pretty far to the left of anyplace normal.

They are doing the ranked voting for the first time in NYC so it could be days or even weeks until they figure out who managed to cheat the most effectively to weasle their way to victory.  

So, is NYNY savable?  Or is it so far down the tube it is time to get the Liquid Plumber and plunger out and put it out of it's misery?  I would like to believe that there are enough real people in NYC that it may be possible to save it, but I am not sure I would bet any money on it.  For all I know the city is dead already and it is just too big, old and stupid to realize it.

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