Thursday, August 19, 2021


by Bob Walsh

It seems that TNT, a FedEx owned shipper in Australia, is now refusing to ship firearms or ammunition for anybody for any reason, no discussion requested or permitted.  From what I hear they are the only carrier down there that has a sufficiently large and diverse operation to actually do this job so their refusal is going to put a serious ding into the Aussie firearms and ammo business.

I admit I am a little surprised that a common carrier can refuse to transport a legal product arbitrarily. but I also have no idea what the laws along those lines are like down there.

1 comment:

Trey said...

I have an acquaintance down under. No firearms ever. If you are a licensed hunter you can own a shotgun and rifle but no pistols. There are other exceptions but they are very hard to qualify for. You can't even own a bullet proof vest. When he was here he said America was like Dodge City. He loved it.