Thursday, August 05, 2021


930 Women in the Dominican Republic Saved With Israeli Technology


By Yossi Aloni 


Israel Today

August 5, 2021



                                              The Israeli device that is saving women's lives


The State of Israel is now widely praised in the Dominican Republic after the lives of 930 women were saved by Israeli technology brought to the country through the efforts of Israeli Ambassador Danny Biran.

The Israeli Embassy in the Dominican Republic has been working for two years in to enable the Israeli firm MobileODT to operate there. The company offers a device that uses a unique technology to detect cervical cancer.

After much preliminary work by Ambassador Biran, who held meetings with various government officials to present Israeli capabilities in the field of electronic screening systems for cervical cancer, MobileODT has been operating locally for seven months, carrying out over 18,000 tests on women in various parts of the country, the majority of whom are from disadvantaged areas.

The examination, which is actually carried out by the local health department using the Israeli instrumentation, reveals cancer lesions in the cervix early on, which allows for the use of a protocol of correct treatment prior to the progression of the disease. The company’s figures show that 930 women were saved due to early detection and preventive treatment.

Ambassador Biran meeting with the Vice President of the Dominican Republic 

The project results were presented by Ambassador Biran to the Vice President of the Dominican Republic, Raquel Pena, who was excited about the impressive showing and tweeted about the Israeli innovation.

Ambassador Biran: “Israeli technology can reach anywhere in the world, make essential health services accessible to everyone and present quick results, and above all, save lives. We will continue to operate on a variety of issues in the field of groundbreaking and life-changing Israeli technologies together with the Dominican Republic, a friend of Israel.”

1 comment:

V. Teitelbaum said...

The Zionist state is very technologically advanced. If only they possessed the same level of adherence to Jewish law as they do to technological innovation, they would truly be transformed from a satanic state to a somewhat legitimate state.
Please pray for the dismantlement of the Zionist state and that it happen speedily and peacefully.